Here's my first pipe. MM Legend purchased from The Briar Shoppe in Houston TX. I was on tour with a rock band playing a theater in Houston at the time. I had already been smoking cigars for a few years, and I had a random thought that I should try a pipe. I did a bunch of reading, YouTube watching, and online research. Then I found myself in Houston at The Briar Shoppe where I found my love for pipe tobacco. I don't smoke this pipe anymore because it's pretty ghosted with aromatics from that time. I've since moved on to only non-aros as I'm most interested in the flavors of the leaf.
I purchased the pipe along with a couple of ounces of "Accountant's Mixture" aromatic. Smoked it for the first time in the shop with the shop owner (Diane?) guiding me through the process. She was really kind and was behind the counter putting together 1 pound of a custom mixture for a client out-of-state, rubbing out tons of flakes by hand. It was a really great experience, and I'm thankful for her and her knowledge and hospitality - showing a newcomer how to properly smoke and not burn my mouth the first time. A few days later I found myself in Austin TX at Pipe World where I would first hear the name McClelland and "Virginias." The kind man behind the counter gave me some samples of PS Bullseye Flake and I instantly was taken by the delicious flavors of this tobacco. We had several days in Austin (I believe we were there playing SXSW at the time) and I found myself at Habana House where I purchased a tin of C&D Bijou and a tin of McClelland 3 Oaks Syrian Latakia which I still have sitting in a jar. It's been a lovely journey of relaxing with different tobaccos since then.
I spent the remainder of that tour smoking bowls in the back of the tour bus while other band members were smoking some jazz cigarettes. Had to smoke on off-days because I was singing a lot of harmonies with that particular band and didn't want to have a dry throat come show time.
Once I got home, I purchased my first briar, an estate Chacom sandblast billiard from Haebar (not sure if he's on this forum), along with a tin of Old Dublin. I was surprised at the tin note when I first opened the Old Dublin, but really loved the flavor and the cool creamy smoke. I've grown to love that tin note now. Along with the Chacom, Haebar was kind enough to send me a bunch of samples that I really enjoyed trying, one being Troost Special Cavendish which I remember liking quite a bit.
Please forgive my longwinded post, I am a bit under the weather and haven't been able to smoke in a few weeks. So I'm waxing poetic, missing my tobacco smoke, and enjoying seeing your pipes and hearing your stories. Living vicariously through you at the moment.
All the best.