Here are several from my collection of the 63M shape...
...and this one is very interesting because of that peculiar TE stamp. It turns out that back when Tom Eltang was working at Stanwell, he would act as an ambassador and go on tour in Germany (a very large market for Stanwell), he did this a couple of years, going around to different pipe shops. Before he left, he would select some choice already turned but not yet finished pipes and take them on the road, at the pipe shop a customer could choose whatever pipe they wanted and have Eltang finish it for them in the stain of their choosing, right there in front of them, it would then be stamped with the TE and the customer would also get a special certificate. I found this pipe on the German eBay for a steal, it's like a Holy Grail of the 63M collection and I'm stoked to have it!
...this Jubilee 63M has the more rounded S-Crown inlay, a design they only used a couple of years before switching to the more angular version, this pipe is cool because it has a light stain and pretty good grain...
...and here's an old 64M, back when Stanwell really blasted the hell outta their pipes,
this one has a great blast!