Here's an interesting one. I bought this thinking the nomenclature read 'Kapp & Peterson's Dublin', and was possibly a pre-Patent Peterson. Unfortunately, no such luck. However, it turned out to still be quite an interesting piece, a 'Dummy' (the very first iteration of Irish Seconds). Here's what Mark Irwin said in an email:
'This is the original “reject” or “second” line, the K&P DUMMY, of the Patent era. I have never seen one with a brass band. Either the nickel was buffed off, or, as I suspect, it was original either brass or composite of some kind. The pipe was sold primarily in Ireland, mostly at the Dublin shop(s) K&P ran on Grafton Street. A few might have been sold by Arthur Colton in London, but I doubt it, since K&P was trying to preserve their reputation and they sold these mainly to locals who were used to clay pipes and wanted to try a new-fangled briar but not spend anything.'
And a link to the Peterson Pipe Notes article on them:
I have seen one other (similar shape to this one) with a nickel-coloured band. This one (possibly all of them?) has an orific bit.
This one has many dinks and a couple of fills, but in person it's a lovely big chunk of briar with some nice grain patterning under the grime. The chamber size is probably not far off the size of my Pub Pipe.