Another one picked up yesterday, stamping is too faint to read the model. Only the one fill, other than that it'll be a nice pipe.

Shiny Pipes has had several nice Linkmans in the last few months--all over priced. If they were Select Grain or Tru-Grain pipes in a rare shape I might pay those kind of prices.I took a big risk on that one. Shiny Pipes had it, and they wanted $95 for it. I watched it for about two months, and the price slowly, but progressively dropped. When it got to $45, I grabbed it. Made in the early '40s, it sports both the Linkman's and Dr. Grabow stamps, plus it has serial numbers for the pipe and stinger. Nice little featherweight, and very fine smoker.
Best thing might be to call and talk to Debbie. She handles all the calls and emails etc. Seems like they are only open 4 days a week,middle of the week may be best.I'll try contacting them, I did once before about a replacement stem but never did get a reply. Thanks for the heads up.
No, bad idea. Bad pipes, smoke terrible and may actually make you sick. 8OI may start collecting them.
I'll give that a try this week, thanks.Best thing might be to call and talk to Debbie.
Is the pipe that is shredding the mortise a push stem filter pipe with aluminum tenon? Usually,the only reason that happens is if someone has tried to spread the tenon to make it fit tighter. Those tenons are made with a slit in them and sometimes folks will use a screwdriver etc inserted into that slit to spread the end. Doing that makes the corners-at the very end of the tenon-- spread out effectively turning the tenon into a drill bit. Those tenons should never be spread. If the stem is loose use nail polish or bees wax to tighten it. If that is happening you can gently file those little corners off and use another way to tighten the stem.I may start collecting them. The old Grabows seem to be better quality as the newer ones I have, that darned metal tenon is shredding the mortise.
Don't see many Filt-O-Corks and I don't recall ever seeing one in that shape ! Linkman did make a few shapes with scalloped type rims.Linkman Filt-O-Cork #3929 with a white spade in top of bit. Beautiful birds-eye and a few fills. The scoop bowl design is what sucked me in. [:D] Cleaned up nicely too.
Nice one. What does the Adjustomatic refer to? I've often wondered about that
Thank you, I am doing good so far !! I've been busy selling my pipes on Ebay and have sold over 100 of them and gave away quite a few more pipes and most of my bulk tobacco. Getting down toward the bottom of the barrel--the main thing left to sell is my big Grabow display--which may prove to be a trick--or a headache !Just saw a wonderful Linkman's hit the bay tonight. ejammes would have loved it. Hope you are well ejames.