I love the shank and blast too, I’ve been staring at it since I opened the mail this afternoon.
I’m wary of the logo as well… it’s got a decent amount of oxidation on the stem that’ll need to be addressed: will an oxi-clean bath remove the logo paint? If so, I’ll just tape the logo and micro mesh the stem, skipping the oxiclean bath.
In the meantime, the stummel got a gentle warm water (with a couple drops of Murphy’s) brush-down with a soft toothbrush, then dried with a paper towel. I placed a clean pipe cleaner in the draught hole, a cotton ball in the chamber, wet the cotton ball with alcohol, and set it aside.
I put a drop of Dawn Free and Clear on the logo, and gave it the gentlest brushing I could muster with a soft toothbrush. The logo didn’t brighten up completely, but I didn’t feel comfortable going any further (quit while you’re ahead).
Upon reinspection, the stummel looks superb, and boasts a soft gloss. I’ll give it some Renaissance wax, and that should be that. It’ll just be the stem to finish after that.