The real issue is the media and the belief that everyone should be given equal time to say their piece. Not that anyone should be censored, but if there is a collective of concerned ER doctors that has a boatload of documentation outlining that hot dogs (in particular) are a significant hazard to children (compared to other common hazards), then let them publish in JAMA. If the AMA then decides that the issue should be reviewed in the interest of public health THEN let’s get a national dialog going about it.
Just because a couple of docs think dogs are deadly that doesn’t mean they should get ink on the front page. But that’s how media execs think- if it bleeds, it leads. Obviously it had the intended effect because we're currently talking about it- so the terrorist doctors win Sad story, the day after this story first came out there was a local 4 year old who choked to death on a dog. The parents didn’t even think to keep an eye on him while he was eating: reason 9,773 that I don’t have kids.
Common sense isn’t so common- Voltaire
Just because a couple of docs think dogs are deadly that doesn’t mean they should get ink on the front page. But that’s how media execs think- if it bleeds, it leads. Obviously it had the intended effect because we're currently talking about it- so the terrorist doctors win Sad story, the day after this story first came out there was a local 4 year old who choked to death on a dog. The parents didn’t even think to keep an eye on him while he was eating: reason 9,773 that I don’t have kids.
Common sense isn’t so common- Voltaire