Shape of hot dogs

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Can't Leave
Dec 29, 2009
Did anyone else see the news story the other day about changing the shape of hot dogs? They said they are a choking hazard for kids. My question is where are the parents to watch the kid if they gave 'em a whole hot dog to eat. Sorry, I'm just getting really tired of hearing stupid stuff all the time. Just thought I'd start a thread to vent on. I don't want to see the shape of hot dogs changed any more than I want to see more outrageous taxes levied on tobacco. I'd like to know how everyone else feels about this or any other BS in general. Happy smoking.



Can't Leave
Dec 29, 2009
They where suggesting during the story a "patty shape" imagine that Phil.



Feb 3, 2010
damn people and their agendas.... cant leave well enough alone ... (grumble ..grumble)



Might Stick Around
Feb 8, 2010
No offense to kids who are sentenced to 18 years under the watch of incompetent parents, but what the hell ever happened to “survival of the fittest”? If you’re wallowing that far into the shallow end of the gene pool where the potential to choke on a hot dog has become your public crusade, it just may be time for me to buy you some Oscar Meyers and hope you turn blue and make the big exit.
Of all the bad things going on in this world they pick hot dogs? WTF?



Might Stick Around
Feb 8, 2010
Phil, hopefully she is okay but seriously, if someone in my family choked on a Life Saver there is no way I could let that one go without never ending jokes like “ maybe you should call them Life Enders.”



Jan 17, 2010
woodlands tx
Darn why cant I come up with some useless public agenda to occupy my time .Lets get togather and outlaw flyers on the front door as they pose a fire hazard and a liter problem . We can call it The National Coalition For Liter Free Front Doors . Who are these people who outlaw hot dogs and get people to follow them and make signs .You can bet your a.. they do not have real jobs and are enrolled in some kind of public entitlemnet program .Baseball , apple pies , hot dogs and Chevrolet . It is a American thing .



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 16, 2009
What else can we regulate?? To think that our tax money actually is used for " Them" to sit around and make our lives as inconvenient and expensive as possible.

My thing is are they trying do destroy their citizen's way of life by mistake or on purpose!!!



Can't Leave
Dec 29, 2009
Love every one's post in here. Just though it was really ignorant. It blows my mind some of the things I hear sometimes. Thanks everyone for the posts.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 7, 2009
I've been eating hot dogs for 61 or 62 years, Herself and I have raised 9 children. The only problem we've encountered is not enough mustard or relish or hetchsup or chili or kraut.

I sincerely wish people would mind their own business and keep their collective noses out of mine.
Liberty: The right to do as I damned well please as long as that doing does not interfere with your right to do as you damned well please.



Staff member
Apr 8, 2009
This is ridiculous! There is no Darwinism (survival of the fittest and intelligent) left in the world. The people in charge have devoted their time to protect the ignorant people of the world and now we are being over run with them.
They are too stupid to live, but are being taken care of so that they survive. That is the problem with society today. The stupid people have survived and have created more stupid people and there are the nannies that take care of them.
I guess that that is fine. If the nannies want to take care of the stupid people and tell them how to live and what type of lifestyle choices to make, go right ahead.
But stop trying to tell those of us who are not stupid and can live our lives on our own, what we should or should not do. I can take care of myself. The ones who can't take care of themselves without someone to hold their hand through life should just..., well I'll just leave it at that.



Might Stick Around
Feb 8, 2010
AMEN Bob! Since the nannies have done everything to protect all these nitwits from offing themselves through some form self inflicted demise, they are now making it to adulthood where they pass along their mutated ignorance onto the next generation.
Survival of the fittest was purely nature’s way of weeding out through selective processes those individuals that we would likely be better off without. Not every child is “precious”; some should be encouraged to ride a bike with no helmet. Some people should be given scissors and asked to sprint down the hallway. And some people need to text while driving so they can rear end a tractor trailer at 85 miles per hour while spilling Strabucks in their crotch. Pompous A-holes!
Hope you sense the sarcasm, I just wound up easy.



Dec 14, 2009
Birmingham, AL
I think that a lot of these blatherskites simply like to hear their own big mouths.

Therefore, they think that a whole "baloney" is a hotdog.

And we "little people" must be in danger from those "little hotdogs".

I hope they choke on that "baloney".



Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 11, 2010
The Cigar soldier said:
Survival of the fittest was purely nature’s way of weeding out through selective processes those individuals that we would likely be better off without. Not every child is “precious”; some should be encouraged to ride a bike with no helmet. Some people should be given scissors and asked to sprint down the hallway. And some people need to text while driving so they can rear end a tractor trailer at 85 miles per hour while spilling Strabucks in their crotch. Pompous A-holes!
Preach brotha.
I just said to my wife the other day that it doesn't seem like as many kids get hit by cars these days. When I was a kid it seemed a relatively regular occurrence and served as a stern warning to the surviving rug rats to look both ways. Being struck by an automobile loomed near the top of the lsit of my childhood fears...right along with losing my arm if it was hung from the window of a car, and having a razor blade lodged firmly in the roof of my mouth if I ate unwrapped Halloween candy.
A little fear was a good thing. It built survival skills.
My wife and I don't have kids and doubt we will. Neither of us really "get" kids or why anyone would choose to possess them.
However I don't think one has to have offspring to understand that proper parenting includes protecting children. But that also includes teaching them to protect themselves. To do otherwise is to fail to prepare the child for life.
The Nanny State has succeeded in instilling the common belief that over-protecting is a duty and anything less neglect.
I don't see this as a gene pool issue but rather a exponential weakening of a species due to lack of passed on survival skills across a broad segment.
A few generations of this and we will have a society completely unable to fend for itself.
So I say we need a few more exposed wires, tall unfenced trees, and attractive swimming holes with alligators in them. Survival of the species hinges on our keeping these little bastards on their toes.

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