Shag Cut Blends

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 2, 2019
So i tried my first shag cut blend this week - GL Pease penny farthing - and i cant put it down. The taste is wonderful but the cut is what i am really digging. I feel like it lights easy, stays lit, and is just generally easier to smoke. My question is why arent more blends shag cut? And a second question - what are some shag cut recommendations. Already have some dark birds eye on order. Thanks in advance!


Sep 2, 2015
San Francisco Bay Area, USA
I think they're less popular because they can burn quicker and maybe a little hotter, though I haven't had that latter problem, myself. I like them about the same as a good ribbon cut, but not really any moreso.

I like GHC Kendal Dark. Along with Kendal Kentucky and Dark Birdseye, those are vety strong shags. Kendal Gold is a milder VA shag. I used to roll the former two into cigarettes and they're great that way, too.


Can't Leave
Mar 23, 2018
So i tried my first shag cut blend this week - GL Pease penny farthing - and i cant put it down.

A fine blend (pun intended) and one I don't know that will be in regular production indefinitely. Smoking Pipes has less than 100 tins after having over 1,000 at one time. If you're on the fence on trying Penny Farthing, now's the time.


Staff member
May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
Margate is my favorite shag cut.

Why not more? Because some prefer thicker bits, pressed bits, flakes, plugs, ropes, ready rubbed or as is. I don't think you'll like all shag cuts, nor do I think you'll not end up loving other blends in other cuts. But glad for your bliss!


Can't Leave
Jul 8, 2018
You can also make any plug into a shag cut, given that it's pressed a good amount to take a sharp knife and the dowward pressure to slice even flakes. GL Pease Jackknife Plug and Triple Play come to mind. Peterson 3P's, DT Salty Dogs. That's the way I prefer to smoke dense plugs. They burn evenly and effortlessly. Full on flavor. I've tried thicker cuts and cubed too, but it just wasn't doing it for me.


Feb 21, 2013
Shag cuts I've enjoyed include two very different blends -- Petite Robin from Tabac-Manil Semois, a blend not the straight burley variant of their other tobaccos, and Five Brothers. Both come extremely dry and burn fast. You can blend them with other tobacco to slow them down or just enjoy them while they last, very tasty leaf. The luxury with thicker cuts, or even more so from flake/coin/plug/rope is that they retain moisture and flavor for a very long time and smoke with elegant slowness. Many cuts work well for various blends and purposes. Shag is good, but I'm glad I don't have to smoke just this one cut.
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Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 29, 2020
I might get booted off the forum for saying this but I second Daughters&Ryan Three Sails. It's inexpensive and has a good Virginia flavor. You have to whatch your cadence because it can get a little bitey, but I think that is Shag cut and Virginias in general. D&R have other Shag Cut blends I believe but I have not tried them yet.


Dec 12, 2016
I like George Karelias and Sons, it's actually a hand rolling tobacco shag cut blend, mostly Virginia. I am not that big of a fan of shag, but it is my way of cheating quitting cigarettes. I have almost a full month since I lit a fag, and on a couple of occasions when the temptation was high I just lit a shag, in a small bowled pipe. I did inhale one in 5 draws, it is quite reasonable . I have seen some old timers in England that smoke Drum (which I believe contains a tad of latakia) - another famous shag hand rolling tobacco blend in Europe.
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