No need to be sorry Wall. A lot of my trouble is my own fault for thinking I was Immortal when I was your age! LOL!!
I went through that stage when I was younger but many people I have been close to over the years have passed on and I realized that we can't take this life for granted. It was at that point that I started to respect my body and life in general. We aren't guaranteed another day here so why waste today. Maybe I am getting too preachy but that is just the way I see things.
CBW in my new MM cob, I like this cob alot and I am starting to wish that I bought this from the start instead of expensive (relatively) cobs but I do think the "snob" part got to be where I did not want to be in a tobacco store full of old guys smoking Dunhills and be the young inexperienced smoker smoking a cob. But now I have learned that pipes are very diverse and not to be ashamed of my cob

. I also learned that those guys probably would not have laughed at me, but would have probably given me smoking pointers haha.