Sept 2015 Upgrade

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18 Fresh Rossi Pipes
120 Fresh Peterson Pipes
10 Fresh Estate Pipes
12 Fresh GH.ZHANG Pipes
2 Fresh G. Penzo Pipes

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Jul 21, 2015
As of this afternoon, all links to products were dead. Picture of guys with neckbeards and tattoos still intact however.
I'll admit I prefer SPC for their better packaging job, better warehousing and generally competitive but realistic business practices. However, whenever I see hipsters milling about, or a blog post about how great REDDIT is, I feel a need to move on...

Mar 1, 2014
I can imagine the transition wasn't too pretty for a little while, but it looks good now.

They let you sort tobacco too. Currently it sorts correctly but doesn't remember the selections you've made in the "Components: Exclude" category. I'm sure they'll have it corrected soon though.
Interestingly, Samuel Gawith Brown #4 is the only actual "blend" to hit the extreme on all three of the categories Strength, Room Note and Taste.

And Lane Limited Medal of Valor pops up with Pirate Kake and Billy Budd for an "Intense" room note...
I'm going to be doing this all week.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 31, 2015
I'm sure that I'll "get used to it", but my initial impression is that I don't like it.
I liked how you could be sure that you had perused all the new pipes. Now I'm not sure.



Can't Leave
Nov 23, 2012
Cary, NC
As of this afternoon, all links to products were dead. Picture of guys with neckbeards and tattoos still intact however.
I'll admit I prefer SPC for their better packaging job, better warehousing and generally competitive but realistic business practices. However, whenever I see hipsters milling about, or a blog post about how great REDDIT is, I feel a need to move on...
:rofl: :clap:



Oct 15, 2013
Yep. I was there the other trying to buy a new pipe and left in utter frustration. So I went over to P&C and couldn't find anything I wanted that was in stock. Sometimes it's just not meant to be.
Deathmetal, agreed, Reddit is a great place for cute cat pictures and reposts from liberal blog sites.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
What is a neckbeard?

Is this one?




Jul 21, 2015
That is indeed a neckbeard, but I always preferred E to T.
The thing about internet sites is that they shape their users. It's a two-way street: sites have character, and they attract people according to that, and then mold them further with social pressures and how the rules work out to favor certain things over others.
Facebook creates a different mentality than Twitter, or (etc), but in the end, they help drive away some people and attract and standardize others. Some people are made for Facebook, for example; they just love posting pictures of their meals and would not feel complete without it. Others -- a far larger group -- just get into posting food snaps because that's what everyone else is doing.
If I seem to be a bit harsh on some, it is not without study...



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 22, 2015
Dunedin, NZ
Ok - to each his own, but I am hating the update. I can't find things like I used to and I liked the way I could click on new estates and see things quickly. Grrrrr.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 11, 2015
We will all get used to it eventually. Was the change necessary ? Marketing professionals will say " ofcourse it was". I will never understand it myself. I just can't understand why a perfectly good packaging design of a product, that people know, has to be changed every so often. I certainly would not make it in marketing.



Might Stick Around
May 17, 2015
Yeah the new site kinda blows. Why did they have to make it more confusing to navigate? Also I never noticed how hipstercentric SPC was, i mean they had that mild mannered hipster in front of the tobacco jars in their banner ads but man, now on the site it seems like everybody associated with the site is a neckbearded, inked up hipster. When I saw their blogs showing screenshots of their Spotify playlists, I decided to take my business to P&C. Not only are these guys full blown hipsters but they love Weezer. Enough is enough.
If I want to support the hipster movement, I'll buy a Dagner... ...when hell freezes over. Fear of being associated with these hipsters almost makes me want to lay down my pipe.

Mar 1, 2014
Dagners aren't hipster, are they? Tight jeans and community gardens don't sound like them.
Anyway, for me as long as the pipe locator is working it was all worth it. I had to manually search through the specs of every single pipe in a brand that interested me just to find a few long ones or acrylic stems. This update is literally going to cut my browsing time by an order of magnitude at least.



Dec 28, 2011
Topeka, KS
While certainly no fan of the pork pie, tight jean, we all get a participation ribbon crowd, I rather like the new SP website.
I've been noodling around for the past hour and those good people will continue to be my go-to source for several favorite tobaccos. But, I've got to admit that their estate pricing seems a bit off kilter and I'd love to know how Adam O'Neill, et al, arrive at their price points: American production burners and Sasieni seconds command powerful asking prices compared to my favorite Ethernet driven garage sale.
Still, it's a good looking refresh.



Can't Leave
Jan 18, 2011
"The old order changeth, yielding place to new..." Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Even after several email exchanges with a polite and patient representative there who insisted the old functionality was still there, I gave up my ritual estate shopping in total frustration.
I hate to denigrate the new programmer's work, but this is not ready for prime time. Sometimes the old ways are better.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 31, 2015
Just to clarify - I have done plenty of business with SP in the past and I plan to do plenty more.
I'm not liking the upgrade so far but I will adapt. I'm also sure that they will respond to constructive criticism and improve the situation.
I could care less about neckbeards or hipsters (even if I new what they were). This has precisely nothing to do with my use of their site or my opinion of them as a business.
They are solid contributors to the pipe smoking community and a bunch of very nice people.



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 9, 2015
If I want to support the hipster movement, I'll buy a Dagner... ...when hell freezes over. Fear of being associated with these hipsters almost makes me want to lay down my pipe.
Amazing. As we all sit here, members of a dying breed and dwindling ranks, we are going to shit on the very people who are helping fuel the upswing in pipe smoking? Get over the hipster hatred. I find it ironic that we claim to be such a open, calm, welcoming community, when in reality, it appears quite the opposite.



Jul 21, 2015
A few things I've noticed:
(1) Differentiating links from regular text is hard on some menus

(2) I love the new "NewEgg-style" ability to search on almost any attribute. Why not pipe size/diameter?

(3) The red on the main menu bar seems awkward

(4) The masthead and user account controls are cluttered/compressed
Here's hoping for more changes... and apropros of that:
Get over the hipster hatred.
No. Hipsters destroy everything they touch. Accepting them as your savior means you will be dropped as quickly as you were taken up.
I hope SPC leaves behind some of its hipster influences. Anything tainted by REDDIT is, in my view, worth setting on fire and nothing else.
It's still possible to be neutral on the hipster front. To be honest, instead of trite and novelty-seeking; to avoid putting image before substance; to also avoid becoming suit and tie guys. Worth trying.



Jul 21, 2015
Also I never noticed how hipstercentric SPC was, i mean they had that mild mannered hipster in front of the tobacco jars in their banner ads but man, now on the site it seems like everybody associated with the site is a neckbearded, inked up hipster. When I saw their blogs showing screenshots of their Spotify playlists, I decided to take my business to P&C. Not only are these guys full blown hipsters but they love Weezer.
Meet the team here:
Looks like there is some hipster presence, but less than one might think. One good purge, or sending those hipsters to Outward Bound for a few weeks, might cure the infection.



Jul 21, 2015
Deathmetal, agreed, Reddit is a great place for cute cat pictures and reposts from liberal blog sites.
Someone said this to me today:
"Reddit is a great place to get the Official Narrative presented to you disguised as quirky, off-beat science or hip cultural recommendations."
In other words, group cuck and pretense under the guise of being cutting-edge. It used to attract some interesting people in with the basement neckbeards, but now they're being driven away.
As to the question, Why Might a Free Speech Advocate Hate Reddit?, there's this attitude:

Ah, yes... the Safe Space, where only the group opinion is tolerated lest it be challenged by non-believers and forced to reveal its contradictions with reality itself. There's a cult-like mentality at Reddit, much like among die-hard Apple users and anti-smoking zealots.
One thing about hipsters: they are Protean and change form quickly. One of the most common forms is a sort of codger emulation "diehard" (a.k.a. "tryhard") who will be extremely faithful to the past, but take it to a ludicrous level. He balances the other form of hipster, which is the "innovator," who believes that pipes made out of pink ceramic genitals are in fact more artistically important than functional old-fashioned briars.

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