We are getting political now. For me it is not a matter of being racist, or hating Hispanics, but an identity issue. Having said that, there is this big divide in between southern and northern Spain. Andalusians are somewhat darker (I guess you could say swarthy) whereas in northern Spain they are very fair skin. This can be explained by the Moor and Jew ancestries. However, most northerners, on the contrary, have black hair, but this is due to our Celt origins. You will find this phenotype in Scotland or Ireland too. At the very beginning, Spain was a March, that is, a buffer zone that was created by Charlemagne in between Septimania and the Moor kingdoms. The Kingdom of Castile was formed around one of those buffer zones, along with Aragon, Navarra, the Principality of Austurias, etc. Most Christians who lived in there and pushed the Moors out of the Iberian Peninsula regarded themselves as "castellanos viejos," that is, the "old Castilian" people who never mixed with the Moors.