As a newer smoker, I would say try a little bit of everything, budget allowing of course, to find what you like. I only smoke a limited number of aromatics. So many don't seem to have any real flavor. The Boswell aromatics seem better at that. I do enjoy their Berry Cobbler on occasion. I also will smoke 1Q or Erinmore Flake regularly. Frog Morton was suggested as a good intro to English/latakia and I think it's as good a place to start as any. I tend to smoke English blends more than any other major type of tobacco. Carter Hall, Prince Albert, Sir Walter Raliegh, and Walnut, a personal favorite, are often found at the local drug store or corner shop and are all more than worthy of consideration. For me Virginia and VA/Pers took the longest to get used to, though now I do enjoy them. I like Anniversary Kake from H&H, Luxury Bullseye Flake and Orlik Golden Slice. The nice thing about getting a bag of cobs is not having to worry too much about ghosting a more expensive pipe. Particularly if you go down the road of the last major tobacco category, Lakeland! I've only enjoyed a few more subtle examples like Condor and the rather mild Lakeland Brickle from H&H, but I enjoy the floral, almost reminds me of rye bread in a way, notes of those two, particularly Condor. Man, I love Condor! Anyway, there are many options now as you figure out what you like. Speaking of Lakeland, if you want a real kick in the pants, that leans towards the heavy tonquin flavoring side of things, pick up some 1792 Flake. Smoke it have been warned!