Okay, so I'm 21 and I was smoking a cheap pipe I picked up from my cigar shop a couple of years ago, until I got a new girlfriend and she didn't really like the idea, so of course I threw it straight into the trash can.. I know, I know, you can dog on me for doing that. But, now a couple of years later, we have been through a lot and have come to love one another and plan to get married in the near future. Now, she says she doesn't mind me getting another pipe, so I went to the cigar shop and picked up a Medico straight pipe 100% briar wood with a small bowl and some tobacco. I then did some research (too late, huh?) and realized that my Medico pipe really isn't a very quality pipe and could be hampering the enjoyment of my smokes.
So, I have been searching through here and had decided to pick up a nice Boswell pipe, but at $80-$180.. I really won't be able to afford one of those for a good while. I'm going to pick up a couple of corn cobs to start a rotation with, but can you guys suggest some pipes that are just as good as the Boswells for a little less? Maybe in the $40-$75 range?
Also looking for some good aromatics, as I am not really impressed with the blends from the cigar shop (some blends he has in a jar, one called M-1 and the other called HS-3). Any suggestions? Boswell tobacco a good way to go there?
I have also never tried an English blend and really want to try one or two to see if I would be interested, so any suggestions there would be awesome, too.
Thanks ahead of time fellas!
So, I have been searching through here and had decided to pick up a nice Boswell pipe, but at $80-$180.. I really won't be able to afford one of those for a good while. I'm going to pick up a couple of corn cobs to start a rotation with, but can you guys suggest some pipes that are just as good as the Boswells for a little less? Maybe in the $40-$75 range?
Also looking for some good aromatics, as I am not really impressed with the blends from the cigar shop (some blends he has in a jar, one called M-1 and the other called HS-3). Any suggestions? Boswell tobacco a good way to go there?
I have also never tried an English blend and really want to try one or two to see if I would be interested, so any suggestions there would be awesome, too.
Thanks ahead of time fellas!