I own a very nice Yuki Tokutomi pipe, but of course from a valuable collectible perspective, that's the wrong Tokutomi.
While admiring a Shizuo Arita (the wrong Arita) it occurred to me that an interesting collection could be assembled from the wrong carvers in a family, i.e. Sven Knudsen, Emil Chonowitsch, Fritz Becker, etc.
Having spent almost the entirety of my life being wrong about pretty near everything, this would be an extraordinarily apt focus for me and likely the only collection of its kind. Additional wrong carver names would be much appreciated.
While admiring a Shizuo Arita (the wrong Arita) it occurred to me that an interesting collection could be assembled from the wrong carvers in a family, i.e. Sven Knudsen, Emil Chonowitsch, Fritz Becker, etc.
Having spent almost the entirety of my life being wrong about pretty near everything, this would be an extraordinarily apt focus for me and likely the only collection of its kind. Additional wrong carver names would be much appreciated.