Well, here we go again. I've vented my spleen about this before (although, in my defense, I have never once brought up the subject!).
This is only opinion, like everything else on this forum, but here goes: The only thing that Barack Hussein Obama ever said that I found sensible was his "you didn't build that" tirade. Well, I thought he was right. The employer/employee relationship is a two-way street. I don't care how brilliant your idea is, or what an astute manager you are, if you could make your entre-manure-ial dreams come true using only your own labor, you would. If you can't, you NEED employees. Those employees are a part of a society that allows you to get ahead as an employer, maybe even get stinking rich. YOU DIDN'T SINGLE-HANDEDLY BUILD THAT SOCIETY. Just because you inherited money from your rich daddy, went hat-in-hand to a banker to borrow it, persuaded investors to back your brilliance, or even, God forbid, earned it yourself, does not make you the Czar of all you survey. A whole hell of a lot of people besides yourself paid to educate those employees to a first-world standard; the roads they drive to work on, and perhaps deliver your product on, are not the result of only your genius inspiration and hot-asphalt shoveling; any education they use TO MAKE MONEY FOR YOU, be it trade school or a Ph.D., was more than likely not paid for by your magnanimity. And on, and on. The framework of society that you use to make a profit as an employer has given one huge, huge, hell of a lot more to your advantage as an employer than anything your employees may earn from you, and don't you dare forget it, you ungrateful, tobacco hating bastard! (Okay, that one was just for grins, but I am being serious here.)
As far as the poor, poor, pitiful employer having to shoulder the burdens of health care, take it up with the government, and get it ended. It's not the employees' fault the government screwed you with that. Anyone with half a lick of sense knows that your employer should have nothing to do with providing your health care, unless they choose to do it voluntarily, like they did during WW2 as a means of skirting around wage-control legislation during the war years. Employers are the ones who started this whole mess of shit, and now they can't do anything but squeak and squeal about it. How's that for irony?
Checking credit to discriminate against employees? That's rich. How many businesses have gone bankrupt? How long does that stay on their credit report? Huh? Oh, no penalty, but I might get fucked out of a job opportunity because my incompetent company went belly-up, I got laid off, lost my house, then when they get bailed out by the taxpayers and start hiring again, they won't hire me back because I have a foreclosure on my record and look "financially irresponsible"! Not to mention that a credit report is less accurate than a blind sniper, and usually features addresses you've never lived at, and every missed payment of every asshole in the country who has a name similar to yours. Wow, no wonder the guy who writes the check should have all the power over every aspect of your life. They're so fucking stunningly competent, what could possibly go wrong? But that's OK, fellers. The man with the checkbook is always right.