Saving Dottle for Smoking Later?

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Can't Leave
Jan 2, 2023
Vancouver BC
I haven't been saving my dottle, usually there isn't anything worth saving, but sometimes I get surprised and find a good nugget of unburnt tobacco in the bottom. I think I may have to give this a try and with the prices of taxed tobacco here in BC, saving even a bit will only help.

Another ProTip: If you have Gawith Twists/Rope tobacco, you can double your pleasure by chewing your coins of twist first (which are quite good chewed), then save them in a tin to dry out and then you can smoke them! I learned that trick from some old Yorkshire coal miners. Apparently it was common practice back in the day since the miners would chew the twist while at work and smoke it topside.


Oct 7, 2017
La Belle Province, Canada
Another ProTip: If you have Gawith Twists/Rope tobacco, you can double your pleasure by chewing your coins of twist first (which are quite good chewed), then save them in a tin to dry out and then you can smoke them! I learned that trick from some old Yorkshire coal miners. Apparently it was common practice back in the day since the miners would chew the twist while at work and smoke it topside.
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Dec 30, 2018
Nope. Life is too short. Imagine you could enjoy a fresh new bow of wonderful tasty tobacco or some dregs of has been used up shit. Stop imagining. Your call. I’m voting nope. Fresh blood bowl please.
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Can't Leave
Mar 16, 2024
Shuswap, British Columbia
This thread is crazy. I have not smoked dottle and I won’t be saving any to try. Saving butts to roll new smokes out of them wasn’t something I ever did when I smoked cigarettes either.

One time when I was about nineteen I saw my cousins dad who smoked a lot of weed. He had 10 large jars in the back of his car with roaches. When I asked what the hell he was doing with jars of roaches in his car he thoughtfully and carefully explained to me that he saves all his roaches and that he rolls joints out of the roaches then he will save the roach joint. This then goes into the second jar, which is a second gen (short for generation I presumed) roach. When he smokes the second gen roaches he saves those until he has enough for a third gen roach. He puts that roach into the third jar of third gen roaches, etc. etc. Anyway, he had probably couple pounds of roaches in those jars that went up to tenth gen.…..

I guess this guy just really did take pleasure from that.

I look forward to seeing the ”Second Gen Dottle” thread.
You'd think from my SN that this would be my primary smoke. However, i have saved up snipped off cigar caps (most often Cubans) and smoked them in my pipes and/or mixed with pipe tobacco. So there is that. Besides, by the time i'm done drawing on the bit i'm more likely to start tasting briar than dumping out unsmoked dottle. I think i'm just passionate!
Sometimes when I am having my last smoke of the evening but don't want to finish, I'll set the pipe down and come back to it the next day and do so.
I do this all the time as well. And every so often I have to find the pipe that fell from my hand somewhere hidden in my bedsheets before i do so. Still beats dropping a lit cigar in your lap at night. Been there done that, too. Many a cigarillo has gone flying when i whipped the sheets off in the morning. Thankfully pipes are heavier. ;)


Sep 17, 2023
I use meer chips in the bottom so there really isn’t enough to harvest. I probably would try it if there was but Im not gonna go to that much trouble. If I were that concerned Id put some cheap neutral tobacco in the bottom and let that be my waste…or a boring blend I know I wont smoke.


Jul 11, 2014
North Central Florida
When I started, about a month or two into my 'journey', I did produce a considerable amount of dottle that I saved to smoke later. Now, when a pipe isn't smoked to the bottom, it's re-lit, later, after cooling and maybe a little toss and tamp, till it's gone.
During the course of a day, I might produce a few uncompleted bowls that have enough remaining to return to later. I'm not ocd about finishing a bowl from the start.
I can and often do, though, just smoke 'em to the bottom. Very little moisture. Technique is getting there! :sher:


Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 2, 2019
I can't imagine saving dottle for later. If I set a pipe down with less than 1/3 of a bowl left and come back to it later, it invariably tastes like ashy garbage.

I just dump it and say, "One for the homies."


Sep 17, 2023
I cant warm up to most relit pipes either. If its an English or strong lat blend its ok. If its a vaper...nope.