As someone pointed out early in this thread, some cuts burn longer and will give you a long smoke in a medium chamber like the 106. Specifically, flake/coin/plug/and rope will give you a good long smoke approaching an hour in a medium bowl. I surmise this is because there is a little more moisture retained in these cuts, and the pieces are a little thicker. I think there is another Savinelli pipe very similar to the 106, the 105, that has a larger chamber. I also second the suggestion on the unfinished Savinelli series. The unfinished pipes look a bit like the lumber yard, no stain or wax, but if you smoke them just as is, they first acquire a pleasant matte finish as they darken, and then they mellow into a walnut tone, and finally they acquire a resonant deep polished look with no wax or polish. It is a satisfying process and not to be missed.