Try Amazon. Try mylar bags.
Amazon. Why didn't I think of that? You'd think they'd market themselves or something.
Last I checked on Amazon, a couple weeks ago, a case of wide mouth pint jars was $50. Other online vendors were selling at similar or worse prices. Found a few with headers saying "wide mouth pint jars - $12.99," I'd open the link and it said in small but plain language "this is for one jar."
Covid did a number on Mason jar availability. Again, I put a bit of food up every year in Mason jars, and know a network of people who do the same and to a greater scale than I do. Whether due to the jar factories being closed or people hoarding them, they're available at my grocery store randomly, where they used to sit on the shelves.
Even the Ace Hardware link, above, states the limit is one case per size. When I'm putting away tomato sauce or hot sauce or beets, I'm usually needing a couple cases at a time, even if just of the lids and rings, if I'm reusing the jars. Packages of the lids and rings are suffering the same or worse fate. I haven't seen any for months and online vendors are asking the cost of a case of jars just for the lids and rings.