Ruminations on the Individuality of Pipes

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 9, 2017
Kentucky, USA
Has anyone else noticed that very few other methods of tobacco consumption seem to induce the various neuroses that briar pipes do?
Briar is psychotropic - that's the only plausible explanation for it. Other side effects may include: Feeling more contemplative, using twenty random words when two would do(word salad), self indulgent thinking,, and clinical bloviation.
As you can see, it's even affecting me.


May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
I've not noticed a different flavor between pipes. Maybe an enhanced flavor. Like I've smoked a blend from a pipe and said "oh that was nice". Then smoked it from a different pipe later and said "that was the best smoke I've ever had. Wow".
This is why folks like @cigrmaster pair specific blends with specific pipes. They've found a pair that works really well.
Maybe I'm misreading the ruminations
I recently broke in 13 Jack Howell commissioned pipes. I started each one with a one of my favorite straight Virginia's. Blends like Rotary Navy Cut, Fribourg& Tryer Cut Virginia Plug, Astleys no 44 Dark Flake, Wessex Brigade Campaign Dark Flake, Wessex Brown Flake and others. So far the only blend I dedicated to a Howell that wasn't a straight Virginia was my 1998 and 2005 Orlik Dark Strong Kentucky. It smoked great and I kept them together.

Just recently I realized that I had 3 pipes only smoking that one blend. A Rad Davis Billiard, a Scott Thile Bulldog and the Jack Howell Billiard. Every pipe smoked the stuff great but I didn't need 3 pipes for one blend so I decided to pull the Howell and am going to see how it smokes some Vapers as I haven't dedicated a Howell to a vaper. I had my vaper pipes for years so why mess with them. I am going with my plan and if and when I find a magic combo I am going to do the same with a Vabur for one of my Howells. So far I have been smoking my 13 Howells with Virginia flakes building up enough cake where I am comfortable but now it is time to go for genres and specific blends.

I had never broken in 13 pipes at almost the same time and it was interesting trying to keep track of who was up next. I am comfortable now that every pipe is broken in to my standards so time to play around a little.


Feb 21, 2013
I suspect much is in the mind of the pipe smoker. Some days nothing stays lit, tastes good, nor pleases me in any way. Other stretches, every bowl seems to whisper its special message with enchantment. Sometimes the cut is too big for the bowl, the humidity is wrong, or the blend is sour, but mostly I find myself accountable and just walk away until my mood improves.


May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
I enjoy reading reviews on TR, but more often than not: YMMV.
Some reviews are hysterical. I love the guys who claim to hate Latakia and then go write a review on an English blend. Of course they pan it making the review useless to everyone on the site. They should put ratings on the reviewers. I have a list.

1)Intelligent, spoke to the blend and didn't go off track. Has a good feel for the tobacco and the review is worth reading.

2)Could have spent a little more time describing flavors and components but did go into the types of tobacco used and is a worth while read.

3) Went into the review with perceived ideas and showed some bias to his favorite blends. Didn't spend enough time on blend that was supposed to be reviewed.

4) A complete waste of space. Hates English blends so he reviews one. Follow him and see how he also hates aromatics yet has to tell everyone he hates aros as well. He should have a star next to his name denoting he is a moron who knows nothing about tobacco.

5)And then there are cigrmasters reviews. Can barely speak the English language. Knows nothing about components that go into blends .Says the blend is either sweet or it isn't, No descriptions. Only an idiot would read his reviews.

I think rating the reviewers would save some time for folks.
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Briar Lee

Sep 4, 2021
Humansville Missouri
Has anyone else noticed that very few other methods of tobacco consumption seem to induce the various neuroses that briar pipes do?
Briar is psychotropic - that's the only plausible explanation for it. Other side effects may include: Feeling more contemplative, using twenty random words when two would do(word salad), self indulgent thinking,, and clinical bloviation.
As you can see, it's even affecting me.


Oct 6, 2021
I've never had a pipe enhance a particular tobacco, but I have had a pipe detract from a particular tobacco.

In other words, most tobaccos taste the same in most pipes. But, every once in a while, a tobacco tastes more "dull" or "muted" in one pipe.

(And I don't think that it's a problem with the pipe, because the same pipe might showcase most other tobaccos wonderfully.)

As a general rule, I don't notice that tobaccos taste different in different pipes. But a minority of tobaccos can seem dull or muted in a minority of pipes.
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May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
I've never had a pipe enhance a particular tobacco, but I have had a pipe detract from a particular tobacco.

In other words, most tobaccos taste the same in most pipes. But, every once in a while, a tobacco tastes more "dull" or "muted" in one pipe.

(And I don't think that it's a problem with the pipe, because the same pipe might showcase most other tobaccos wonderfully.)

As a general rule, I don't notice that tobaccos taste different in different pipes. But a minority of tobaccos can seem dull or muted in a minority of pipes.
In my experience certain blends taste better in certain pipes. I dedicate all my pipes to either certain genres or blend specific pipes. I am currently smoking some 2007 Stonehaven in one of my Rad Davis Lovats that I dedicated to this blend years ago and it works so well I have no reason to change it. I get a great smoke every time and I get no flavors that are not supposed to be there.

I have my Vaper pipes for blends like Dunhill Deluxe Navy Rolls or Solani 633 or Escudo and others. My genre specific pipes give me the flavors I expect every time. My Virginia flake pipes give me the flavors I want and I don't have a blend like an English one messing with the flavors I expect from these dedicated pipes.

I also clean the piss out of a pipe after only one bowl in it and I never smoke the same pipe or blend in the same day. I let the pipe rest usually 48 hours and this gives me the consistency that I expect from my favorite blends. I spend good money on my tobacco and I want the best smoke possible every time.