Some good rhumI prefer to drink Barbancourt Rum (from Haiti) than to smoke it, but to each his own. Carry on.
Some good rhumI prefer to drink Barbancourt Rum (from Haiti) than to smoke it, but to each his own. Carry on.
Thankfully very little latakia in Black Frigate.I do enjoy Latakia blends a lot, so looks like Black Frigate is next up. I’ve heard the pipe community is very welcoming and helpful, and you all just demonstrated that in spades!
That’s a classic that doesn’t get enough love. If you wanna get deeper into Haitian, check out some clairins (essentially rhum agricole). The stuff mirrors a lot of the production methods used in Oaxaca for mezcal. But with fresh sugarcane juice. Velier has several available in the US.Some good rhum
Which is odd since the sailors historically used ropes/twists more than flakes.
I am a hardcore rum nerd. I’ve got over 300 bottles of esoteric, unicorn bottles at my home, in addition to tons of rare bottlings at my tiki bar.
But, I have only recently stumbled into the rum barrel finished Mississippi River by SPC. And I’m in love.
So, my question is… any other recommendations out there for me? I have tried a few rum-topped aromatics, but they never really translate well. They tend to taste more like Malibu or Captain Morgan.
One of my absolute favorites is Windjammer by GL Pease. The first time I tried it I couldn’t stop smiling as the myriad of different flavors danced across my palate.
I should have mentioned the rum flavors you will get from pipe tobacco are no where as strong as you will get from real drinking rum. The rum in pipe tobacco are hints of rum, sweetish flavors, 151 it ain't.I am a hardcore rum nerd. I’ve got over 300 bottles of esoteric, unicorn bottles at my home, in addition to tons of rare bottlings at my tiki bar.
But, I have only recently stumbled into the rum barrel finished Mississippi River by SPC. And I’m in love.
So, my question is… any other recommendations out there for me? I have tried a few rum-topped aromatics, but they never really translate well. They tend to taste more like Malibu or Captain Morgan.
I do enjoy Latakia blends a lot, so looks like Black Frigate is next up. I’ve heard the pipe community is very welcoming and helpful, and you all just demonstrated that in spades!
Another vote to try Blockade Runner. Heck, it'll be a lot of fun for you to get samples of a whole slew of them and try 'em out. Big fan of Brugal 1888 btw.Depending on your affinity for Latakia, Blockade Runner might be worth trying. I like it, but pass over the frigate because of the Latakia. DTM Salty Dogs is one of my rum blends too. But I’m not much for aros, so these are milder than a lot of aros on the added flavor. Haddo’s Delight is another rum regular- but again, not a heavily scented aromatic