Rule Number 9 (All Please Read.)

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Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 19, 2014
Hello all, I thought perhaps a general reminder would be helpful to all of us. Most of us are capitalizing all the words in the subject of their thread. Some are not, and it takes me quite a while to go into every post that has lowercase letters and fix the title. I provided the pertinent information from Rule # 9 below. I have also provided a hot link to the sticky that has all the rules in case some of us do not know where to find the Forum Rules. I am not trying to be a pain in the @ss, I would just like to participate and read threads instead of spending an hour or more capitalizing thread titles everyday. Please PM me if you have any questions.
Thank you and happy puffing!!

Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar
9. In order to maintain the quality of our forum and facilitate communication, it is the policy of PipesMagazine to encourage the use of standard spelling, punctuation and grammar.
Members are requested to proof read their posts before submitting them. Please capitalize words in the thread titles.
Hot link to Forum Rules.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 21, 2015
Chicago, IL
Fair enough, but it should be noted that according to standard grammar practices (Chicago Manual, MLA, etc.), words that are coordinating conjunctions, articles, or prepositions are not supposed to be capitalized.
Improper: "Going To A New Shop In Tuscon!"

Proper: "Going to a New Shop in Tuscon!"



Feb 21, 2013
It upgrades the headings of threads a lot to have them capitalized. It's not part of Rule Number 9, but it also helps a lot if the heading gives an accurate idea of what the thread is about. Please don't have headings like: "Just Wondering," "Another Day," or even "A Beginner's Question." Give a real sense of what the question is, or what you're wondering. I miss things I'd like to read and respond to, or open threads I don't want to read, all because of poor headings. Sorry to be such an old fuddy-duddy, but everyone feels this way (I feel sure) though many are long suffering and say nothing.



Jul 31, 2010
Bethlehem, Pa.
I always thought it was a goofy rule. But when I'm in someone else's house I play by their rules and will continue to do so here. I will also point out that not every one is a grammarian. Colloquialisms are used and accepted since they make a particular point. Should abbreviations be discouraged? I'd rather get the gist of a conversation than worry about it's grammatical syntax. Just my 2 cents.

Now back to our regularly scheduled program.



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
ford, does it or doesnt it say mod next to yur name shut the fck up and stop whining if it takes you ten hours a day to cleeen up titles and threds to freeking bad
Oh yeah. all you retards who have paragrapghs with no breaks in them, get a clue. I have no patience to read a 500 word novella with no paragraphs. From now on when I see them, I am going to have a mod delete it and make you right it over again. :nana:

Mar 1, 2014
Michael Mirza:

Fair enough, but it should be noted that according to standard grammar practices (Chicago Manual, MLA, etc.), words that are coordinating conjunctions, articles, or prepositions are not supposed to be capitalized.
The great thing about the English language is that there are no official rules. The only definition of "Proper" is whatever the faculty approves of and will get you good marks.
In this case it goes a step further and the Almighty Grand Poobah Kevin dictates reality itself on the forums, everything you do is sustained purely by his will and his holy HTML, and regulated his Legion of Mods, and if they say to capitaizE thE lasT letteR oF everY worD, iT shalL bE donE.
Thankfully that's not what Rule Number 9 says.

Dec 24, 2012
I have been a member of this site since 2012 and I am proud to say that I have yet to read the forum rules. I am waiting for the picture book or movie version.



Aug 21, 2014



Jul 21, 2015
It's not part of Rule Number 9, but it also helps a lot if the heading gives an accurate idea of what the thread is about. Please don't have headings like: "Just Wondering," "Another Day," or even "A Beginner's Question." Give a real sense of what the question is, or what you're wondering.
I heartily second this. It also helps people find your topic via search. Along those lines, also consider using WordPress/bbPress's tagging.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 15, 2014
9. In order to maintain the quality of our forum and facilitate communication, it is the policy of PipesMagazine to encourage the use of standard spelling, punctuation and grammar.
I'm guilty of dangling a few participles.



Oct 18, 2013
I started reading this thread but then misplaced my modifier ... anyone seen it? :D



Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 24, 2013
Fair enough, but it should be noted that according to standard grammar practices (Chicago Manual, MLA, etc.), words that are coordinating conjunctions, articles, or prepositions are not supposed to be capitalized.
Improper: "Going To A New Shop In Tuscon!"

Proper: "Going to a New Shop in Tuscon!"
Thank you. As someone who was an English major, this kills me.



Might Stick Around
Aug 31, 2015
One does not need to be a grammarian to use at least reasonably accepted grammar. I have seen posting here and elsewhere that may have had a valid point but gave up reading it because it was too painful to follow. I always wonder if it is caused by ignorance or laziness. Most likely a combination.



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
Do not forget that this is not an "American" or US board. There are many members to whom English is a second language as one rule points out. And, there are the members who are simply uncaring with respect to grammar and spelling, preferring to present an image of themselves as "thumb texters" or rubes. Some are quick to realize their mistake and adjust. Others simply disappear when they realize what an intolerant bunch we are. Also, we should not forget those that post a message or two simply to get a rise out of the members. We just have to live with, or even have a bit of fun with some of them.

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