Māori Carey, the She-wi??Maria Jerry?
In 30 plus years of smoking flake tobaccos, mostly Capstan Blue, I am pretty settled on the rub it out method. But your post got me curious and so I am trying your method for the first time. So far it's been a big success. It may change the way I load my pipe, depending on the flake as many of them vary in consistency. So far, so good and I'm a little over halfway through the bowl. It amazes me how well it stayed lit!PS Luxury Navy Flake, four flakes, about a third of an ounce.
Fill Big Boy Marxman.
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Slowly twist down the flakes
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Use the long pick on a pipe tool to maintain draw.
What you have is a two inch Va Per cigar inside three quarters of a century old Algerian briar.
It will not get hot, it won’t bite, it tastes delicious, and is good for two hours of ruminations.
The charge expands as it burns.
Keep your pipe tool handy.
enjoyed your humorous post.I DO NOT understand this propensity towards doing what the makers intended. The makers of Coca-Cola never stated that they intended you to pour Jack Daniels into it, so stop it.
The makers of bubble gum intended for you to just chew it, stop blowing bubbles. They don't want you to.
Tobacconists also do not want you to blow smoke rings. This was never the purpose of tobacco.
In fact, if we are going to ask the real experts, why not go and ask the indigenous people who gave us tobacco in the first place how we should all be using tobacco. Like the British have any claim on being first with tobacco in any way? We should consult the Native tribes as to whether flake and plugs should even be allowed. Because these are the originators. What the hell is a white person doing giving any advice or conditions surrounding tobacco?
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That all said, I rub mine out. I don't need the stresses of fiddling with a flake when all I want is to merely smoke.
Why they make them into flakes is for flavor. If you want to try two blends that are exactly the same, but taste differently because one was pressed, try GLP's Key Largo and Robusto. The only difference is that Key Largo was pressed to meld the flavors.
Why they make plugs... because you idiots will buy it up if they do.![]()
I was afraid it was a tad over the top, but… I hope it gave some a laugh.zE
enjoyed your humorous post.
I tried to find this video, but can't find anywhere ? Do you have a link ? Im curious about his method.I started with rubbing them out. Then I saw the Per Jensen video and switched to fold and stuff always. These days it depends on time of year or day or weather or pipe. If I do fold and stuff I usually fold it in half length wise then width then I hold the top together with two fingers and use my other hands to gently break up the lower portion of the leaf. This has consistently given me good smokes. It’s all what works for you though.
I heard mention of that video a while back and I couldn't find it either. I found Per's instruction on how to fold and stuff spun cut coins (I tried to find this video, but can't find anywhere ? Do you have a link ? Im curious about his method.