My sister who was my best friend died unexpectidly on Oct 1 2014 from an accidental overdose. It was the most devestating loss I have ever suffered. I have buried my father and his brother who was like a second father to me years ago, but I did not feel the loss nearly as intensly as the lost of my sister. She had a severe case of bi polar disorder and I was the one who she came to when she was at her worst. She was 58 years old and much too young. Leading up to her death she was suffering with severe migraines and was self medicating with her bi polar medecine and I should have had her Baker acted which might have saved her life. She told me how many of the pills she was taking and I begged her to slow down but she said she had it under control, which she obviously did not.
The guilt I have been feeling has been so intense as if I had acted she might still be with me. It has taken this long just to be able to talk about it because just talking about it still brings me to tears thinking about her. We were so close growing up and through college and even till the day she died. She was all set to move in with me in just a couple of weeks so I could keep a better eye on her She was a great aunt to my kids and they were all devistated at the loss of their aunt. It was only the two of us so I no longer have a sister to love and cherish. I am sorry for laying this on you guys, but I know that talking about it will help with the grieving process. If any of you have a sibling where your relationship is not that great, please think about getting back together as you never know when somene can pass.
Anyway thanks for letting me share as I need to talk about it and get through this.
The guilt I have been feeling has been so intense as if I had acted she might still be with me. It has taken this long just to be able to talk about it because just talking about it still brings me to tears thinking about her. We were so close growing up and through college and even till the day she died. She was all set to move in with me in just a couple of weeks so I could keep a better eye on her She was a great aunt to my kids and they were all devistated at the loss of their aunt. It was only the two of us so I no longer have a sister to love and cherish. I am sorry for laying this on you guys, but I know that talking about it will help with the grieving process. If any of you have a sibling where your relationship is not that great, please think about getting back together as you never know when somene can pass.
Anyway thanks for letting me share as I need to talk about it and get through this.