Review of GH Rum Twist - From Greatness To Mediocrity

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Might Stick Around
Dec 15, 2021

The Glory Days​

Well, well, well... it’s about damn time I spoke my mind about what used to be my favorite twist—GH Rum Twist. Used to be, mind you. Now, it ain’t nothin’ but a sorry excuse of its former self. Ain’t that just the way things go? Take something fine, something real special, and run it through the wringer ‘til it’s damn near unrecognizable.

See, this twist was my first real step into the world of pipe smoking. Back then, I was lookin’ for something flavored, something to ease me into the craft. When I first got my hands on a pouch of the good old Rum Twist, I knew I was in for something special. Openin’ that mail box, the aroma hit me like a goddamn runaway train. Rich, sweet, oily Virginias laced with a kiss of rum and a whisper of spice—cinnamon-like, warm, inviting. Hell, the smell alone was so potent it damn near turned my stomach ‘til I got used to it.

The Smoking Experience​

It was a sturdy beast, that twist. Not the kind of thing you just hack away at all willy-nilly. Had to work at it, cutting those dense coins with a cigar cutter, slicing through each one carefully. The tobacco itself? Moist, but not goopy like them overcooked aromatics. Thought it wouldn’t need much dryin’—ha, what a fool I was. Two hours weren’t enough, left me burnin’ through matches like a madman just tryin’ to get the damn thing lit. Four hours, though—that’s where I found the sweet spot.

And the smoke? Pure bliss. Bold, aged Virginias leadin’ the charge, with rum and spice sneakily lurkin’ in the background. Straightforward, yet full of character. Strong, but never harsh. A man’s smoke. And the room note? Lord have mercy—it was somethin’ special. Sweet, old-timey, damn near nostalgic, like sittin’ on a farmhouse porch watchin’ the sun set over the countryside. That was the real Rum Twist, the one I cherished.

The Fall from Grace​

But the 2024 version? Now that’s a goddamn tragedy. When I opened this new batch, I knew somethin’ was off right away. The smell wasn’t rich or inviting—it was foul, like burned charcoal and rust. No sweetness, no rum, just the stench of disappointment. And the look? Darker, spongy, a whole different beast entirely. But I ain’t one to judge on appearances alone, so I figured I’d give it a fair shot.

Prep was easy—too easy. The coins practically crumbled on their own, takin’ all the effort out of the process. My gut told me it didn’t need much dryin’, so I left it for just 30 minutes. And sure enough, it took to the flame like a moth to a damn lantern. But that flavor? Flat. Weak. Just a ghost of what it once was. The Virginias were still there, but they had no soul, no backbone. And the room note? About as memorable as last week’s newspaper.

GH’s Dishonesty​

Now, I ain’t sayin’ this new version is outright terrible—it’s just mediocre, and that might be even worse. Not worth the damn price I paid for it, that’s for sure. But what really sticks in my craw is the damn dishonesty. GH’s customer service playin’ dumb, actin’ like nothin’ changed when it damn well did. First, they claim it’s just the natural variation in tobacco crops—then, when pressed, they admit they changed some of the cooking equipment. Makes you wonder what else they might be lyin’ about. Maybe they’re usin’ lower-quality tobacco now. Maybe they’ve changed the flavorings. Who knows? All I know is they sure as hell won’t admit to it.

I could respect the truth if they’d just come out and say, "Yeah, things change, and so does our process." But this dodgin’ and weavin’? That’s unprofessional, and it’s downright insulting to folks like me who’ve been loyal to their product for years.

The Unlikely Return to Greatness​

I just wish they’d see the error of their ways and go back to how things once were, but I reckon that ain’t gonna happen. The way I see it, Rum Twist as we knew it is gone for good, and GH ain’t got the sense or the spine to bring it back.

So here I sit, reminiscing on what was and mournin’ what’s been lost. GH Rum Twist ain’t what it used to be, and I reckon it never will be again. Guess all I got left are them sweet memories—memories of a time when a man could light up a bowl and taste greatness, instead of some factory-produced shadow of what once was.

Damn shame.


Can't Leave
Dec 26, 2019
Kendal, UK
lol ben waiting with baited breathe for another of these 'fine' reviews....although they are getting a little samey now, bit too much copy and paste going on......

would love to know, 'where when pressed they admitted changing the cooking equipment' came from!

you try getting new tobacco equipment!!

Although all rather irrelevant to a tobacco that is not cooked anyway - rum twist is cold pressed so no cooking happens and never did!

'I just wish they’d see the error of their ways and go back to how things once were' - which date would you like to go back to - 1792, 1850, 1900, 1960...........


Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
I used to like this one a lot also. I haven't tried this new version. I empathize.
But, with things changing in all of the Eurpoean companies, and with the world's tobacco market changing also, my advice is to stock up on the blends you love the most. Heck, you never even know if we'll be able to import things tomorrow.
Better to have a supply to be safe, than to rely on consitency tomorrow.


Oct 6, 2024
Ludlow, UK
Ah, another Jeremiad on Kendal having become the Abode Of Abomination... :confused:

The last one I saw (same author) had exactly the same theme:

1. It used to be wonderful

2. Now it's not.

3. G&H must bear the entirety of blame for this.

4. They are exceedingly wicked for not agreeing with me.

I know all tobacco reviews will be subjective to some extent, but even most unfavourable reviews I read generally have the grace and helpfulness to add that someone else might actually like the stuff. The best of them also say what kind of pipe(s) they used, because we all know what a difference that can make to a smoke of a particular tobacco.

As it happens, I ordered some GH Rum Twist rope a couple or three weeks ago for keeping at least until the 6 other varieties I have already untinned, have all been smoked; now I feel tempted to smoke some of it right now, and see how it grabs me, because I would love to be able to disagree.

The thing is: If I do, with what exactly am I to make a critical comparison, if I've never smoked it before? The nearest equivalent I can think of would have to be a 10-year-old piece of Black Irish XX Twist I finished with mingled delight and regret last week, but that would hardly be fair.

So, @Whenry - do you always smoke GH twists new, straight out of the package they came in, and do you always order from the same supplier who you are absolutely sure uses consistent methods of stock rotation and storage? Are you always using the same kind of pipe? And are you positive that your tastes in anything you eat, drink or smoke have remained completely the same over time? If not, can you really say you are making a balanced judgement that deserves to be taken seriously?
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Might Stick Around
Dec 15, 2021
I used to like this one a lot also. I haven't tried this new version. I empathize.
But, with things changing in all of the Eurpoean companies, and with the world's tobacco market changing also, my advice is to stock up on the blends you love the most. Heck, you never even know if we'll be able to import things tomorrow.
Better to have a supply to be safe, than to rely on consitency tomorrow.
Wise words. Regrettably, I’ve had to learn ‘em the hard way. Used to wonder why folks went and bought more than they could ever smoke—thought it was foolishness. But now? Hell, I’m stockin’ up on my favorite tobacco like a hamster, just tryin’ to hold onto what little good is left in this world.
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Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
@Whenry my advice, FWIW I was the most let down in the changes to Escudo shortly after it switched the STG. I am not saying that it sucks now. It is still an ok VAPER smoke, but it lost the sweetness upon lighting and some of the notes of stewed fruit that it used to have. Fortunately, when I came to post my reactions, STG wasn't trying to say that I was wrong in some way. But, like these changes to GH blends, most of us that have enjoyed the older versions of these things do notice the same things. It's just that these other companies don't come on here and try to convince peoiple that we are in the wrong. I'm sure it was no sweat off of STG when I noticed the changes in Escudo, they just quietly keep cranking out there stuff. And, the dissent for changes in Escudo, Erinmore, and a few others just dies down as a new generation becomes used to the new versions.

It is unfortinate that this company choses to do things a little differently, because it will keep people coming back to complain. And, it will keep the findings "in the press" so to say. But, like the shitshow with STG, no matter how much foot stomping you do on a forum, these beheometh companies are not going to change course. It is like changing the dirrection of an oil tanker with spitballs.

So, unfortunately, the only thing we can do as consumers is buy the hell out of something when we find one that we love so much that we would be heartbroken to lose it.

I'm not telling you to stop posting, just use your energy to do something productive that you can control. Vote with your dollar, so to say.


Might Stick Around
Dec 15, 2021
1. It used to be wonderful

2. Now it's not.

3. G&H must bear the entirety of blame for this.

4. They are exceedingly wicked for not agreeing with me.
1. Correct

2. Correct

3. Nope, they're being dishonest about not changing their blend.

4. Everyone is welcome to disagree with me, I'm gonna continue doin' my own thing.

So, @Whenry - do you always smoke GH twists new, straight out of the package they came in, and do you always order from the same supplier who you are absolutely sure uses consistent methods of stock rotation and storage? Are you always using the same kind of pipe? And are you positive that your tastes in anything you eat, drink or smoke have remained completely the same over time? If not, can you really say you are making a balanced judgement that deserves to be taken seriously?
Smoked ‘em fresh. The old Rum Twist came from Boswell, the new one from Smokingpipes. Tried ‘em on different cobs, gave each a fair shot. Now, I ain’t got any of the old Rum Twist left—damn shame that is—but I do have some old Cherry Twist from Boswell and old Whiskey Twist from Smokingpipes. And wouldn’t you know it? Those two got more in common with the old Rum Twist than whatever sorry excuse GH is sellin’ now.

Side by side, visually, in the prep, in the smoke—hell, even in the taste—Cherry and Whiskey Twist bring back that familiar boldness, that richness I remember. Sure, slight differences here and there, but they got the same heart, the same soul. Meanwhile, this so-called "Rum Twist" from 2024? It’s like a hollowed-out version of what it used to be. Ain’t that just ironic? The new Rum Twist don’t even remind me of Rum Twist. The old Whiskey and Cherry do a better job of that. Makes a man wonder just what in the hell GH is playin’ at.
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Might Stick Around
Dec 15, 2021
Much obliged for the advice, @cosmicfolklore. That’s why I wrote in my review—sure, I’d like to think things’ll turn around, but deep down, I know better. Ain’t much sense in foolin’ myself. In a way, writin’ these reviews is how I come to terms with it, facin’ the hard truth head-on. Damn shame, but that’s the way of things.

That said, puttin’ it all down in an entertainin’ way? Now that brings me some real joy. Might not change nothin’, but at least I can have a little fun with it. And yeah, votin’ with your dollar—that’s about the only real power a man’s got these days. I do my best to stick to that, same as you. Ain’t gonna give my hard-earned money to folks who don’t deserve it.
Jun 9, 2018
lol ben waiting with baited breathe for another of these 'fine' reviews....although they are getting a little samey now, bit too much copy and paste going on......

would love to know, 'where when pressed they admitted changing the cooking equipment' came from!

you try getting new tobacco equipment!!

Although all rather irrelevant to a tobacco that is not cooked anyway - rum twist is cold pressed so no cooking happens and never did!

'I just wish they’d see the error of their ways and go back to how things once were' - which date would you like to go back to - 1792, 1850, 1900, 1960...........
These "Burnt Ends" blends you're flogging in America, didn't they used to get mixed into the regular blends? Wouldn't that change things?


The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
Consistency is consistently inconsistent. That’s becoming a reality. It’s all over, not with any one company.

Maybe ask yourself why that is. Is the entire tobacco industry intent on deliberate fraud? Do they have secret meetings where they gleefully plot to sow havoc on pipe forums?

Or are there more systematic issues afoot.

By all means, make GH & Co your whipping boy if that gives you a woodie, but don’t fool yourself that the same can’t be said for K, Germain’s, Mac Baren, Sutliff, as well as STD.

They can’t produce better than they can source and that’s been inconsistent.

The inconsistency is one of the main reasons I quit cellaring 4 years ago.
That, and a dose of sanity when I looked at what I had already.

Inconsistency doesn’t mean worse, just unpredictable. Might be different, might be better and different.

Which is why I’m not surprised that the latest batch of Mac Baren’s made Savinelli Doblone D’Oro had further gone from being the Three Nuns match it was originally back in 2014 to the pleasantly characterless lump it now is.

And that seems to be the state of things.

So when you encounter something you like, stock up because the next batch could be noticeably different. And if you like that difference then stock up on that as well, because the next batch could well be garbage.

It’s where we’re at.

But, if you can do better then do so. I’ll be thrilled.


Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
Is the entire tobacco industry intent on deliberate fraud?
No, he is obviously only complaining about one company that is being very vocal in responce. The other companies are being wiser by not responding at all, which would be my suggestion to any company with any product that has had complaints about change.


Can't Leave
Dec 26, 2019
Kendal, UK
These "Burnt Ends" blends you're flogging in America, didn't they used to get mixed into the regular blends? Wouldn't that change things?
Well I am not flogging anything in America. I just sell to an importer there. I doubt the very small percentage that used to go back into the same blend made any difference, it was broken down and mixed back in before the cakes were made. Most went into pensioner's mix.


Might Stick Around
Dec 15, 2021
Well I am not flogging anything in America. I just sell to an importer there. I doubt the very small percentage that used to go back into the same blend made any difference, it was broken down and mixed back in before the cakes were made. Most went into pensioner's mix.

Now, let’s be honest—Burnt Ends is just a fancy name for leftovers. Ain’t no way around it. I’ll give ‘em credit, that branding campaign with Smokingpipes was clever, made folks think they were gettin’ somethin’ special. But slick words don’t change the truth—it’s scraps dressed up nice.
Now, I ain’t got nothin’ against folks who wanna buy ‘em. Hell, if they enjoy it, more power to ‘em. But the fact that the producer’s out here sellin’ leftovers like it’s a premium product? That tells me plenty about their attitude toward loyal customers. Quality restaurants don’t put scraps on the menu. Rolls-Royce ain’t piecin’ together cars from leftover parts. Nike don’t sell shirts stitched together from fabric trimmings. Why? ‘Cause that’s a matter of standard.
And truth be told, sellin’ leftovers like this might just come down to one of two things—either they’re too damn confident that folks’ll buy whatever they put out, or they just don’t respect the customers who’ve stuck by ‘em for years. Maybe it’s both. Either way, it sure don’t sit right with me.
Mar 13, 2020
Well I am not flogging anything in America. I just sell to an importer there. I doubt the very small percentage that used to go back into the same blend made any difference, it was broken down and mixed back in before the cakes were made. Most went into pensioner's mix.
So are you not putting them back in at all now? Just curious as to what all has changed.


Can't Leave
Dec 26, 2019
Kendal, UK
Now, let’s be honest—Burnt Ends is just a fancy name for leftovers. Ain’t no way around it. I’ll give ‘em credit, that branding campaign with Smokingpipes was clever, made folks think they were gettin’ somethin’ special. But slick words don’t change the truth—it’s scraps dressed up nice.
Now, I ain’t got nothin’ against folks who wanna buy ‘em. Hell, if they enjoy it, more power to ‘em. But the fact that the producer’s out here sellin’ leftovers like it’s a premium product? That tells me plenty about their attitude toward loyal customers. Quality restaurants don’t put scraps on the menu. Rolls-Royce ain’t piecin’ together cars from leftover parts. Nike don’t sell shirts stitched together from fabric trimmings. Why? ‘Cause that’s a matter of standard.
And truth be told, sellin’ leftovers like this might just come down to one of two things—either they’re too damn confident that folks’ll buy whatever they put out, or they just don’t respect the customers who’ve stuck by ‘em for years. Maybe it’s both. Either way, it sure don’t sit right with me.
Never said they were anything different - in fact as Smoking Pipes described them, they are 'the burnt ends' of the cake. Sold for less than the actual flake so not being sold as a premium product. Being sold as exactly what they are. No one has ever said any different and they were literally marketed as this! You are really reaching now......


Can't Leave
Dec 26, 2019
Kendal, UK
So are you not putting them back in at all now? Just curious as to what all has changed.
It was a very very small percentage that used to get recycled back into the same blend. Pretty much all the left over useable pipe tobacco went into pensioners mix, a cheaper offering we did initially for the UK market and still do. This by its very nature constantly changes. But as we now make far more of certain flakes than we ever used to, we had far more of the ends so decided to sell them for what they were (only the larger sellers).
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