At the risk of repeating myself, since the topic has swung to Warhorse, here's my proposal for an ad campaign around 2017:

Yup... I am not surprised. The same response here for me.So I had some Rum Twist I jarred up years ago, but wanted to see just how bad this new stuff is. So, throwing caution to the wind, I ordered the 500 gram box (photo yesterday in the acquisitions thread) which came in yesterday. Last night I jarred it up and cut some off to smoke. After preparing some, and drying out for a bit, I loaded a Sav 320 and had a decent smoke. Had a few relights at the beginning, but once it got going, had to relight only a couple times afterwards. It was a damn near perfect after dinner smoke which carried me through an episode of Hell On Wheels. Today, I'm about to have another smoke in a meer. I am not the least bit afraid to order another few boxes.
Aromatic has a sweet flavoring added. It’s deliciousSince it’s a G&H twist related post.
What’s the dif between Brown Irish twist and Brown Irish twist aromatic? Is it just how different websites list it? Or they 2 totally different things?
Just got some of the aromatic in and have the (non-aromatic) haven’t opened the aromatic yet.
Yeah it's pricey. But since I do like it, but don't smoke it very often, I figure it's worth it. Most of it is jarred in quart Mason jars for storing and a little bit goes into smaller jars for when I feel like treating myself. It's certainly too pricey to make it an everyday blend.
Woowee, daggum inflations! I hope the twist ladies are getting a big piece of well deserved pie for tea!