Review of GH Coniston Cut Plug – A Tale of Betrayal

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 10, 2021
Almost wasn't mentioned at all till the end. But Whenry I just simply enjoyed how you wrote up the whole review. Maybe not the most functional or practical but I would enjoy immensely reading your reviews if they always came with such a story. Cheers!


Might Stick Around
Dec 15, 2021
Almost wasn't mentioned at all till the end. But Whenry I just simply enjoyed how you wrote up the whole review. Maybe not the most functional or practical but I would enjoy immensely reading your reviews if they always came with such a story. Cheers!
Thank you for your kind words. I can assure you - there’s more to come.


Oct 10, 2013
Oh, I’m sorry—did I miss somethin’ here? Last I checked, Gawith Hoggarth ain’t some kindly housewife bakin’ cherry pies for the whole town, nor are they some altruistic saint handin’ out masterfully crafted tobacco for free. No, sir, they’re a business. And you know what that means? Our relationship’s a transactional one—plain and simple. I’m buyin’; they’re sellin’. That’s how it works.

Now, I didn’t realize I was supposed to be grateful on top of it all. Grateful for what, exactly? For payin’ my hard-earned dollars and hopin’ I get somethin’ worth the price? As far as I’m concerned, they’re a company makin’ money like any other, and what business worth its salt doesn’t want a happy customer?

All I’m askin’ is for them to do right by the folks who keep ‘em afloat. I ain’t askin’ for charity. I pay my way, and in return, I expect quality. If that’s too much to ask, well, maybe they oughta rethink how they do business.
Would you like to buy a “G” ?


Oct 10, 2013
Kind of where I'm at in general. There are versions of famous blends on the market that are crap compared to what they were. There are companies that put out blends with "green" tobaccos because they want their money as quickly as possible, whose green tobaccos are greatly praised.
I may think people are smoking crap, but it doesn't matter what I think. All that matters is do you enjoy what you're smoking.
Cut that out!
No double dissenting sllowed!


Oct 6, 2024
Ludlow, UK
GREAT read! Thank you to all who participated. It almost felt like I was reading a play.

A play, indeed. But whether a tragedy, a tragicomedy, or a farce, depends on the viewpoint of the contributor (or dramatis persona). Personally, I think it belongs to the Absurdist school, along with the works of folks like Albee, Ionescu, Beckett, and Pinter. Others' mileage may vary.


Pipe Dreamer and Star Gazer
A play, indeed. But whether a tragedy, a tragicomedy, or a farce, depends on the viewpoint of the contributor (or dramatis persona). Personally, I think it belongs to the Absurdist school, along with the works of folks like Albee, Ionescu, Beckett, and Pinter. Others' mileage may vary.
Nex' up faw review is sunday join', aw as you chaps in america like 'o call i', briske'. Only 'his isn'' mea', bu' gawi'h an' 'oggar'h's la'es' plug 'obacco. Al'hough 'istawically 'he company 'as bin famed faw i's 'ard plug 'obaccos 'ha' one could roll down 'he apples and pears an' clear ou' 'he stree' af'er i' banged in'o every motahs up an' down 'he block, sunday join' is a disappoin'men' really. A meer shadah ov wha' only yesterday would 'ave bin 'ard 'ack an' rum ra'ions faw even 'he 'ardies' ov sailaws. No, sunday join' is sof' an' 'ender 'o 'he 'ouch, an' smoo'h like a baby's bu''. An' i' smells like i' 'oo. No geranium aw pixie dust, no drunken bob down a' 'he 'avern 'o spoon 'he beer dribblin down 'is beard back on 'he pressed log ov wha' should be wondermen' glawified. No, you won'' be ge''in 'igh af'er church on 'his, 'ha''s faw sure. Wha''s become ov gawi'h an' 'oggar'h. S'andards are surely lackin an' mos' likely 'he steam presses 'ave bin runnin on recycled grey wa'er pumped up from 'he village pub. Cack i 'ell you. Any'hin 'o save a buck an' dump yesterday's glawies. Ten 'housand men couldn'' 'ave said i' be''er, bu' 'here i' is.


Mar 7, 2013
Nex' up faw review is sunday join', aw as you chaps in america like 'o call i', briske'. Only 'his isn'' mea', bu' gawi'h an' 'oggar'h's la'es' plug 'obacco. Al'hough 'istawically 'he company 'as bin famed faw i's 'ard plug 'obaccos 'ha' one could roll down 'he apples and pears an' clear ou' 'he stree' af'er i' banged in'o every motahs up an' down 'he block, sunday join' is a disappoin'men' really. A meer shadah ov wha' only yesterday would 'ave bin 'ard 'ack an' rum ra'ions faw even 'he 'ardies' ov sailaws. No, sunday join' is sof' an' 'ender 'o 'he 'ouch, an' smoo'h like a baby's bu''. An' i' smells like i' 'oo. No geranium aw pixie dust, no drunken bob down a' 'he 'avern 'o spoon 'he beer dribblin down 'is beard back on 'he pressed log ov wha' should be wondermen' glawified. No, you won'' be ge''in 'igh af'er church on 'his, 'ha''s faw sure. Wha''s become ov gawi'h an' 'oggar'h. S'andards are surely lackin an' mos' likely 'he steam presses 'ave bin runnin on recycled grey wa'er pumped up from 'he village pub. Cack i 'ell you. Any'hin 'o save a buck an' dump yesterday's glawies. Ten 'housand men couldn'' 'ave said i' be''er, bu' 'here i' is.

I been wondrin' how long it would take you Californy dudes ta learn how ta talk right. Looks like the day has finely come.


Puff nstuff

Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 2, 2021
Inland Southern California
This has been a highly entertaining read. Coniston is one of my very favorite tobaccos, and I am currently enjoying a bowl of what's being sold now by SP. It's delicious, and I experience no change in appearance, texture, flavor, or smoking quality from that which I purchased three years ago - not that anyone cares, really. But I don't know what the OP is on about, as the Brits say. Perhaps he received something other than CCP. 20250121_202715.jpg


The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
Nex' up faw review is sunday join', aw as you chaps in america like 'o call i', briske'. Only 'his isn'' mea', bu' gawi'h an' 'oggar'h's la'es' plug 'obacco. Al'hough 'istawically 'he company 'as bin famed faw i's 'ard plug 'obaccos 'ha' one could roll down 'he apples and pears an' clear ou' 'he stree' af'er i' banged in'o every motahs up an' down 'he block, sunday join' is a disappoin'men' really. A meer shadah ov wha' only yesterday would 'ave bin 'ard 'ack an' rum ra'ions faw even 'he 'ardies' ov sailaws. No, sunday join' is sof' an' 'ender 'o 'he 'ouch, an' smoo'h like a baby's bu''. An' i' smells like i' 'oo. No geranium aw pixie dust, no drunken bob down a' 'he 'avern 'o spoon 'he beer dribblin down 'is beard back on 'he pressed log ov wha' should be wondermen' glawified. No, you won'' be ge''in 'igh af'er church on 'his, 'ha''s faw sure. Wha''s become ov gawi'h an' 'oggar'h. S'andards are surely lackin an' mos' likely 'he steam presses 'ave bin runnin on recycled grey wa'er pumped up from 'he village pub. Cack i 'ell you. Any'hin 'o save a buck an' dump yesterday's glawies. Ten 'housand men couldn'' 'ave said i' be''er, bu' 'here i' is.
Gawd, does my head hurt after reading this.


Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
I don't think anyone takes exception with the fact that he noticed a change. Many people have noted changes in levels of sauce used. I think where the OP ran into resistance was the entitled arrogance of thinking GH somehow failed to live up to some standard of excellence that seemed ridiculous based on his limited sample size and more importantly, the nature of making tobacco the way GH is committed to making it. By rejecting observations that leaf changes, government regulations that create hardship hurdles for the company to leap through, and the fact that the company now has to manufacture tobacco that can be sold in multiple markets each with various legal requirements, the OP failed to construct his observation in the context of realia. The change is writing style from the type used in his initial post seemed unusual. WTF? Later, a good bit of trolling seemed to be implied. But of course, forums are for presenting critical observations for sure. Pontifications can get old.
also seems they never heard of putting your good foot forward either.
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Oct 6, 2024
Ludlow, UK
The only really apparent (other than batch to batch type) drop in quality I’ve seen in Coniston Cut Plug was when I ordered 6oz from P&C last May and got this:

Seemed to be some acrid floor sweepings from there RYO production at STG…

-Maybe that says more about P&C than G&H ?
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