Rich at Briarworks has always done good by me.I have two pipes that I want acrylic stems for. Briarworks has bad reviews, Georged and Alden are not taking new jobs, and I don’t trust the local pipe shop.
What’s a fella to do?
I've always had good luck with him.Rich at Briarworks has always done good by me.
You might try Norwood pipe repair in Clifton Tenn. Very reasonable prices and incredibly fast turn around. Estimate the total cost and send them a check with the pipes to avoid delay.I have two pipes that I want acrylic stems for. Briarworks has bad reviews, Georged and Alden are not taking new jobs, and I don’t trust the local pipe shop.
What’s a fella to do?
+1 for Tim West.Check out Tim West. He's highly skilled and did good work for me. Tinsky is another good choice.