Remember When Words Meant Words

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Feb 9, 2014
Jessicac... +1 on the "literally" thing. I grit my teeth when I hear it... sometimes used repeatedly in the same breath. "I hurt my toe. I mean, *literally* HURT it! Can you believe it?"
Nope. Don't know what to believe, if everything else not marked "literal" was figurative. Still scratching my head (but not literally).



Starting to Get Obsessed
May 30, 2015
The fact that language CAN evolve is what makes it such a valuable tool. When that tool is yielded by a true wordsmith, art of staggering proportions becomes possible.
Conversations like this one can quickly devolve into cromudgenly complaints, aimed at a world that is changing too fast for comfort.
I'd like to stake out this tiny section of cyberspace and welcome those that force the language to bend to reality, instead of wishing for the inverse.
Shakespeare, e. e. Cummings, George Carlin, NWA... The list is endless. And I, for one, don't want to imagine the drudgery of a world without the linguistic instigators who grab onto the language surrounding them with both hands, twist in into knots, and then force it back into the zeitgeist to be dealt with. They aren't always sucessful, but they ARE always necessary. And they are the ones keeping our language alive.



Jun 3, 2015
This isn't where this thread is going, but This topic reminds me of the deplorable idea that the US Constitution is a living and breathing document. Some above have come to the defense of a evolving English, which is a disaster regarding the document I mentioned. Words can have multiple meaning, but the meaning the author intends is vital.



Can't Leave
Apr 22, 2015
I am a Liberal in the British and very old tradition that historically George Washington subscribed to as an American version of Liberalism.
The term comes from the Latin 'Liber', meaning 'Free' and the terms liberate and yes, 'Libertarian' comes form this too.
Although it is a term of insult in the USA seeming to mean Socialist or Communist as jessicac stated it couldn't be further from the traditional interpretation of these ideologies.
What is the Liberal philosophy? Well it may be closer to what you already believe !! We believe that Government interference should be kept at a minimum where we can be free to pursue happiness on our own terms. The limits are set at where my pursuit of my desires interferes with others' freedoms and individual rights. These rights may include such things as Gay marriage as someone marrying someone they love does not effect the pursuit of my happiness. It also means I should be able to marry who I want, smoke what I want, have whatever job I deserve regardless of class, race and gender and enjoy my free-time how I like as long as it doesn't hurt someone else and infringe their rights.
Liberalism also welcomes the free market without unnecessary interference from Government. The less restrictions the better! The exceptions would be when an employee's health and well-being are put under threat from the work. (such as health and safety regulations being enforced)
We tend to permit more things that Conservatives don't approve of, as we don't believe in unnecessary moralising and rules imposed by others on our everyday lives.
Still hate Liberals?
Hopefully this will clear things up and 'Liberal' won't be used as an insult!



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 10, 2015
In the language for firearms, 'pistol' once referred to revolvers and any other type of handgun. At some point in the 20th century, it came informally to refer only to semi-auto handguns, and types like "dueling pistols". There is also the functional distinction between magazine and clip, often not made in speech by even those who should know the difference. Likewise for automatic and semi-automatic, although early on, handguns could be called 'automatic' when they were what we now call 'semi-automatic' (thus .45 ACP).



Jun 3, 2015
Yea, the word liberal gets thrown around like the word racist. Conservatives usually use liberal as another word for Progressive or Statist. Which Progressives and Statist aren't Liberal by any standards. Today the liberal would be the Libertarian.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 10, 2015



Nov 18, 2013
The evolution of meanings is fascinating. The deterioration of literacy is disgusting. People who can't get your/you're, there/their/they're and to/too/two and its/it's straight. People who write things like "for all intensive purposes" instead of "for all intents and purposes". Straight-up uneducated illteracy. Shrinks the power of language to communicate rather than expands it. Probably the same percentage of dumbshits were always out there, it's just that before the internet we only heard them talk, we didn't see them write. Very generous people they are. Every time they write something they give away their ignorance.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 10, 2015
Jane and him went to the store, but between you and I, Sue could care less, irregardless of what Frank said.



Feb 9, 2014
Maxx... just sent a retired English teacher into a mercifully blissful coma. Overload. Brain crashed into nothingness.
fzzzzt... crackle.... *smoke* (and not the good kind)

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