Interesting point of view which I hadn't thought of sablebrush52. My thoughts are that a fraud could only be such if 1) it was showing the pipe to be something it was not; 2) if the intention was to sell, trade or otherwise pass it onto someone, intentionally or otherwise (i.e. in death), as something it wasn't and 3) to imply to others, even if not for financial gain, something it wasn't and therefore elevating ones standing - entry into an exclusive club for instance. If any improvement or enhancement to the aesthetics of the stamping is declared at the time of the sale/trade/swap would this also count?
If the premium is on original condition, does then removing stem oxidation, tooth marks, bowl polishing and/or re-staining to improve the appearance of the pipe also count as fraudulent? What about stem repairs or replacement?
I fully appreciate the collectors market having a view on this as there could be large sums of money involved and thus any change may affect value. But to the pipe smoker (the emphasis here being on smoking rather than collecting) surely anything that enhances his or her enjoyment in the pipe can only be a good thing?
I have bought several high quality (if not necessarily high grade) pipes that have been restored in one way or another and never felt that there could be anything fraudulent in improving a pipe's appearance, so I'm very interested in your thoughts. Just for clarification, I am not a collector as such. My primary interest is in smoking the pipes I own. I do however, have a interest in pipes made by craftsmen and women, that are no longer in production: Barlings, Charatans, Loewes, Willmers etc.