Here's my plan... All on hold until we sell our current house and set up shop in a new one.
This will be my first run at keeping Discus and I've been scouring the web, forums, books and the brains of many hobbyists and breeders to form a basis for this tank.
The Tank - 79g Rimless Starfire Tank - 48"X19.6"X19.6"
Water Filtration, Cleaning & Polishing
Canister 1 - Biological - Eheim Pro 2229 Wet/Dry
Canister 2 - Mechanical - Eheim Pro3 2075
Coralife 9w Ultraviolet Sterilizer
Eheim Surface Skimmer
I'm looking forward to learning the ins and outs of the wet/dry filter, the increased O2 due to the wet/dry interface and the extra biological filtration will be welcome.
I'm also going to replace all of the soylent green Eheim tubing with clear, and replace all the input and output piping with glass lily pipes.
Lighting - Kessil - a160we Tuna Sun
I'm going to mortgage my house and add Kessils to this tank. I love the look, the directional capability of the lights, and the programming capability of the lights with the controller. I can't wait to dial these in.
Aquarium Backround
I'm not going to have one. I am going to try and go minimalist with my scape and as such will have a clear line of site to the wall behind the tank similar to what some folks do with nature aquariums
I am initially going to go without substrate. I had planned to go with well washed pool sand (sugar crystal coarseness), which is a lovely white with sporadic black flecking. But I've been talked out of this for the short term, as I'll likely be getting young discus and I want to make sure that I'm able to efficiently clean the detritus from the bottom of the tank.
I'm going to start simply with driftwood only, and then as the Discus mature I'll add simple plantings of high temp, low light, plants.
Once I get the Discus grown out beyond 4" I will add a couple of well planted pieces of driftwood by this time, and I'll use them to accent the tank. I'd love plant recommendations if anyone has thoughts.
At startup I'm going to go with seven Discus. I am still determining where I am going to buy them, but I'm leaning heavily towards picking them up Staendker Discus imported from Germany. I spent some time with him in his Alternatively, I quite like the look of the F1 Cuipeua that a local breeder is raising. Regardless of source, I'm going to be buying hardy stock, raised in tap water, with good genetics.
Once the Discus are grown out past 4" I'll add some of the following:
- Emperor Tetras
- Lemon Tetras
- Blue Rams
-- Pat