I went through 6 pages of threads and I thought to myself: it might be a good idea to have a thread like this. What I mean is this and I think anybody here can really contribute to this post and help out a newbie pipe smoker pick out a blend that he/she will enjoy.
Basically, with the collective pipe smoking forum community, newer smokers and veterans alike, recommend a tobacco with what it tastes like or smokes like to you. Also, what is a tobacco to stay away from and why, e.g., "it tasted like hot pockets of salt marsh water".
You can also put down how long you've been smoking pipe tobacco in your reply, I'm not sure how it will help, but I know it some how will!
Looking forward to what you guys have to recommend and what to stay away from.
Basically, with the collective pipe smoking forum community, newer smokers and veterans alike, recommend a tobacco with what it tastes like or smokes like to you. Also, what is a tobacco to stay away from and why, e.g., "it tasted like hot pockets of salt marsh water".
You can also put down how long you've been smoking pipe tobacco in your reply, I'm not sure how it will help, but I know it some how will!
Looking forward to what you guys have to recommend and what to stay away from.