In my own, extremely limited, experience I've been enjoying Amphora Original Blend quite abit as an easy to find drug store tobacco, but then again, I am also loving this tin of Peterson Irish Flake that my local B&M pushed on me, and I've heard that punishes alot of people new to the pipe (big hit of vitamin N there, but amazing flavours).
Dan Tobacco Honeydew Vanilla is a nice aro., although, it will punish you if you smoke too hard. In Canada, the same can be said for Brigham's Maple Vanilla; I've had a chance to try a few of their other aro's, and this one seems to have the most complexity/least candy sweetness (to me). Both of these will offer a whole ton less goop than CBW (although the Brigham's blend will gurgle abit, especially if you don't let it stand for a few hours).