So I picked up a small fruit wood pipe on E-bay for a coupla bucks after shipping. I thought the bowl size would be perfect for work breaks. I went through my standard ream to bare wood, lodge a rum soaked cleaner in the stem clean up, unfortunately the stem is also wood and fixed permanently to the pipe so a soak isn't an option. Well I finally tried to light it up yesterday. I noticed a slight strange flavor lent to the tobacco and chalked this up to the charring of the wood from bare wood. Then about halfway through the first smoke I started to get a horrible migraine. Since it's a tobacco I'm familiar with and smoke frequently(blackhouse), the only thing I can think of is that the pipe is experiencing ghosting ghosting from a previous owner. I'm thinking it was used for other than tobacco. I've come to this thought since it's causing the same symptoms as when I consume tetrahydrocannabinol. (mild to sever headache,dizziness, and nausea) I'm giving the bare uncharred wood a salt treatment tonight. Just wondering if anyone else has any super cleanup techniques that may help with this? If it doesn't work I'll be looking to get rid of a tiny pipe, or using it for fire wood.