That’s excellent advice if lost in the woods."Suivez la riviere et vous gagnerez la mer" Follow the river and you will gain the sea.
That’s excellent advice if lost in the woods."Suivez la riviere et vous gagnerez la mer" Follow the river and you will gain the sea.
I've read things very similar. I forgot who or context, or even the exact quote. But the gist stuck with me. It was something along the lines of without the proper training, he didn't know you couldn't do that. So he did it.If a Journeyman can only figure out all the reasons why he can’t do something, let an apprentice try it. He’s too dumb to know what won’t work and it just might!
-My Grandfather
That must have a lot of fat Frenchmen."An army marches on its stomach." - Napoleon Bonaparte
They were hiding and trying to retreat.That must have a lot of fat Frenchmen.
"That which begins in anger ends in shame."
-B. Franklin