I've been a pipe hobbyist since 2011, when I bought my first pipe and a few ounces of tobacco. While I enjoy the hobby, it's just a hobby for me. I only know a small fraction about the industry while others are avid smokers and have a vast knowledge of the industry. It amazes me how much knowledge some of you have about the history of pipes and tobacco's, and I always appreciate it when that knowledge is shared. I also understand why some people are upset about these types of acquisitions as there is the fear of the unknown.
What I do know is this industry is a business like any other business. Companies get acquired by other companies, and as a consumer we hope the decisions made will not impact us. However, many times they do and it's unfortunate. These decisions are outside of our control, and with so much going on in my life; it's pointless for me to get mad or enraged over something that I cannot control. For me I just move on, and find something else to enjoy.
When McClelland went away it was disappointing as I enjoyed many of their blends, but getting mad and criticizing the decisions of the Mike and Mary McNiel was not my place, and I understand the decisions they made. Even if that meant some of my favorite tobacco's went away. I enjoy what I have left, appreciate it and carry on when the last of those blends have been smoked.
With the recent acquisition by STG, I understand why certain decisions are being made though it's unfortunate that people will be out of a job. Losing some tobacco blends is an after thought compared to those that are out of a job. While it's easy to criticize STG, they are a business, and they're going to make decisions that make sense to them. Whether we agree or not. I appreciate
@leonardw for coming on here and answering questions, and clarifying what he can. Again, the fear of the unknown is a concern for many, but it's out of our control. In the long run there is still plenty of tobacco's on the market and many that I've never tried, so if some of my favorites go away; like pipe smokers in the past have done, I'll find new tobacco's to enjoy as I continue in this hobby. Looking at the glass half-full, if blends I enjoy go away, it will allow me to find new tobacco's to enjoy.
Thanks again
@leonardw for your time and information, and for the forum members that have a vast knowledge of the history of pipe and tobacco manufacturer's, thank you for your input as well.