When tobacco burns there is always a little moisture at the bottom. The nature of aromatics because of there syrups and casings will always burn wet as compared for instnce with an English blend that will smoke considerably dryer than an aromatic since these English blends usually have no casings and syrups.
Try loading your blend using the old thirds technique. Heel of bowl semi firm, second third of the bowl a little looser and finally, the top third loose. Then tamp the top of the bowl lightly before your charring light.
Another, factor may be that your draft hole in your pipe(s) may br too restricted therefore causing a wetter smoke. You may consider going to a professional pipe repairer and have your pipe(s) opened up.
Finally, if your draft hole is not in the center and at the very bottom of your pipe bowl it will cause wetness at the bottom with any tobacco type. Good pipe engineering is critical.