I used to write quite a bit about breathsmoking, the step by step, but then I got so tired of repeating it on each and every thread where it comes up. It is interesting to see some of the newer folks taking up the quest to describe it.
It is intricate, like describing in words how to shift gears on a manual transmission. We all went through that whole, clutch, shift, gas while gently letting off the clutch balance, and each and every one of ground the gears at least a few times in the beginning... and then put the car on a hill... that's when it gets more difficult... but then when you get the whole thing down pat, you are driving without ever having to think about it. Most of the time, drivers forget they are even shifting, it's just an automatic part of driving.
Breathsmoking is like that. You have to get down the expansion of your gullet with each breath taking in a gentle sip and letting it go as you breath through your nose. Then, next thing you know your whittling while you smoke, or loading firewood, and your not even thinking about what you're doing while you smoke, it just happens.
But, basically, the whole process is merely the art of keeping a fire going with the least amount of effort while doing something else entirely that occupies your mind. Your shifting gears and down shifting while your mind is listening to music or thinking about what you forgot to do at home. Heck, most of the time I don't even think about which roads to take these days. I just end up[ at home and wonder, "How did I get here?"