Yesterday, I pooled together with the neighbors and rented a lawn aerator. Wow, running that beast was tough! Need to overseed tomorrow. Felt good to do something productive.
I rebuilt my MGB motor over the winter, need to put on 500 break-in miles, pretty tough in quarantine! We were going to use it get some food items in it today. The sun finally came out, so I put the top down, and went to start it....dead battery. Two trips to Advance Auto, before I came up with the right size battery. Putting the cables back on, one clamp started to crack. I said, screw it, and ran the errands any way. It was nice to get a little sun/wind. Back home, ordered a new cable which should be here in a few days.
The wife and I played chess for the first time again, in about 35 years. I still have my chess set I rec'd as a Christmas gift when I was in 6th grade (OK, I was a weird kid..). I won, but agreed to play backgammon with her tomorrow night.
Sat outside on the patio till the sun went down, listening to John Prine (get well soon!). Wish the weather would warm up here, it's still a little unseasonably cool.