You guys are "something else"! I loved your posts. I am staying with this group as I have grown to respect the "Moderation" of "Kevin" for many years. I have flown my plane down to Chicago (DuPage) for many a year but have yet to meet Kevin. I hope I can finally meet him in person next year. He does a great job for our site and we should all agree with that. I just wish I had the ability to attract the women that he has a knack for. If I did, I might not ever mention "CBB" again! The picture below is me and Craig Tarler of C&D. There were many blends on the table for "guests" at Chicago. He asked me to notice anything significant about the blends. Shortly after that I fell in love with "Gentleman Caller" (a deer-tongue blend). He asked what else I noticed? And, then I recognized that my "Captain Bob's Blend" had more of its tin emptied than any of the others! He was gratified that there were so many pipe smokers sampling our blend! It was a great year wherein CBB "took off" and it has remained a popular blend to this day with a "good" following" as I understand it. I miss the "late" Craig very much. But, the "apple does not fall far from the tree"! Chris Tarler has done a great job following in his father's footsteps. I am absolutely certain that Craig Tarler would be very proud of his son, Chris, and what he has done since his death. I will always be true to Cornell and Diehl. After all is said, their Blends are "worthy" in my humble opinion.