The first thing I did when I found this site was to look up local tobacco shops. I was only aware of a couple in the area and I wanted to see if I had missed one. Turns out there was one, Prince Philip's, right next to my new job so I decided to take a look after work. This is a great little place. The tin shelsves looked a little understocked, but they a had a decent display of bulk tobacco. It was mostly aromatics, but they did have a few english blends. Unfortunately, I forgot to bring my pipe so I could sit down and have a smoke. So I ask the shop keep, a younger looking lady, about the bulk english blends and she pointed out a blend called Blackbeard's Folly, virgina/cavendish flake. It smelled good so bought a couple of ounces and I am smoking while I write this, but that's another thread. I'll just say it was a good recommendation. I also bought a tin of MC Oriental mix #12 that I had been wanting to try for a while and some pipe cleaners. They had a decent pipe display, but I didn't look too hard because I have to wait a little while before I buy my next pipe. I did chat with the owner and his daughter for a little while, very nice people. Overall it is a nice little store and it is nice to have one that is so convenient. I will definitely be going back.