"they don’t know how to run their businesses"
Yes, that is the primary cause of "Going Out Of Business", which as you are so fond of pointing out is what has happened to the majority of these offline only stores.
New marketing tools are widely available making commerce dramatically more efficient, and these business owners were too stubborn to put in the effort to make their business worthy of our money.
You're mixing arguments from different arguments, and not reading my entire posts. .
OK, so let's stick to your line of thinking. So,
these places aren't worthy of your money. Then, as in the other hypothetical post about in which you are crossing this argument from... of which you are combining with this one... one day, you can no longer order online, mail order or receive tobacco in the mail. Then where are you? If your local pipe shop has gone out of business, you are SOL, right? Who's fault is that? Are you going to blame everyone else?
Now, in my previous post on this thread, I said that not every business has to have an online store and can still thrive. If they are packed out with people anyways, what do they care? Now, the reality of every post I've mad in this thread... I am not affiliated, nor privy to what is going on in the heads of any of these actual local businesses around me that sell cigars, pipes, and pipe tobaccos. I am just saying that not all pipe related businesses have to put their tobaccos online. All of the rest is just observations and reasoning. I went to two other pipe shops in the Savannah area a few weeks ago, and they had no online presence (other than just listings online), but because they have constant foot traffic, I'm pretty sure they could care less. They don't need to be worthy of your business. I stood in line and bought my $35 tin of Astleys, and enjoyed my vacation. They were packed with people, also enjoying their vacation and dropping money of them for giving us a place to congregate and smoke.
I am not telling anyone where or how they should shop for their stuff. But, aren't there some things you buy locally that you could get cheaper online? Does every store you go to have an online store? These are all rhetorical questions, because frankly, I also don't care how or where you spend your money.