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The price of Stokkebye Luxury Twist Flake in Bulk has gone up 1.68x, and C&D Autumn Evening is 1.70x more expensive!
Five Brothers is 1.48x more expensive.
Escudo is 1.44x more.
Orlik Golden Sliced is 1.37x more.
C&D Star of the East is 1.32x more.
A tin of Molto Dolce is 1.29x more.
An 8oz Tin of G.L. Pease is 1.23x more today, unless you caught it on sale in which case the price is the same, though I can't remember if G.L. Pease blends were discounted regularly 8 years ago.
For whatever reason the price of MacBaren Mixture: Scottish Blend has gone down from $13.89 to currently $13.30.
The price of Stokkebye Luxury Twist Flake in Bulk has gone up 1.68x, and C&D Autumn Evening is 1.70x more expensive!
Five Brothers is 1.48x more expensive.
Escudo is 1.44x more.
Orlik Golden Sliced is 1.37x more.
C&D Star of the East is 1.32x more.
A tin of Molto Dolce is 1.29x more.
An 8oz Tin of G.L. Pease is 1.23x more today, unless you caught it on sale in which case the price is the same, though I can't remember if G.L. Pease blends were discounted regularly 8 years ago.
For whatever reason the price of MacBaren Mixture: Scottish Blend has gone down from $13.89 to currently $13.30.