You can definitely accumulate more pipes that you will regularly smoke in rotation, especially if you are a moderate smoker. My local independent pipe shop owner saw me studying his wall of pipes and asked, "See anything you like?" And I replied, accurately, I'm looking for something I don't like." We had record heat the day we went to the state fair last week, and pushing my wife in a wheelchair, I wore out and never made it to my go-to N.C. pipe carver Jerry Perry, alas. I guess I'll catch up with him at the TAPS show in April. I do have a handsome new Sav prince, unsmoked, still in the box, and an unsmoked MM cob with a Forever stem on the rack, so I try to direct my purchases toward TAD, and keep the purchases small, with many wonderful unopened tins on hand.
If you want to cull the herd with the least hassle, consider bundling up two to six (or however many) pipes off to, iwan ries, or another online retailer, for store credit, and consolidate down the pipes you trade for an estate or new pipe more to your current tastes. Calculating for your time, shipping, etc., you will probably do as well as you would selling on ebay. No muss, less fuss.