Let's look at the subject of this thread Big Picture-style:
Earth has existed for approximately four billion years, and Life upon it for about twenty percent of that time. 800 million years.
Since day one every species that has existed on Earth is 100% a product of its environment. (By definition it isn't possible for anything to exist outside an organism to not be part of that organism's environment.)
Humans are a species of animal.
Humans became what they are today because of successful responses to their environment.
Specifically, it was "proved in real-world field testing" (so to speak) that sexual dimorphism worked best for H. sapiens: Males to fight, procure food, and be capable of inseminating females without limit. Females to have offspring, care for and nurture offspring, and be capable of survival-related tasks when the males were not available.
That that evolutionary outcome... the resulting dimorphic characteristics... is offensive to 21st century humans is humorous. That many people think they can change that outcome in a retroactive fashion with sufficient stubbornness, denial, and insistence is absurd.
So, what's going on? The subset of humans who hunger for power and control over others discovered that exploiting the (much larger) subset of humans who were offended by "unfairness" is easy, since emotion is how the vast majority of humans make decisions about anything. (As a bonus, since unequal evolutionary outcome---unfairness---is how evolution works, it's a goose that will never stop laying golden eggs for those exploiters.)
The point?
No problem can be solved until the problem itself is recognized, acknowledged, and understood.
And the problem is this: In the past few generations Man's technical accomplishments have "freed" the sexes from their biological roles. However, the essential nature of the sexes has not---cannot---change in such a short time.
One day H. sapiens might "catch up" to the technology via DNA manipulation (i.e. accelerated evolution), but until then, he will pay a dire price in uncountably complex ways.