I (fairly) recently posted a tongue-in-cheek review of Stonehenge flake titleing it my "Favorite disappointment." In truth, it's become one of my daily smokes and truly a favorite. I was lamenting the absence of the floral "Lakeland" flavor I enjoy so much (I'v'e discovered it's there if I don't dry the baccy out so much) but extolled it's other virtues. Over the years, I've enjoyed most of Greg's blends and have always considered him a blending genius. I recently read that he has has decided to pursue other interests in the face of the new FDA guidelines/rules. I just wanted to say that I think we have lost one of the greats. I'm definitely among the GLP "fanboy" contingent and will greatly miss his contribution to our "Golden age of tobacco."
Just wanted to thank Greg for all the great tobaccos and hours of enjoyment he's provided. I know he's not an active member these days, but this forum is the only venue I know of to give a blender props.
Thank you, Greg.
Just wanted to thank Greg for all the great tobaccos and hours of enjoyment he's provided. I know he's not an active member these days, but this forum is the only venue I know of to give a blender props.
Thank you, Greg.