Visit all 50 states, currently at 35. Travel to as many countries as possible. Always wanted to ride in a helicipter. Want to hike through the highland of Scotland and see the areas of my heritge..Clan McBain...and I would like to go to New Zealand. Would like to see as many state parks and monuments as possile. Still havent been to the Grand Canyon or Yellowstone. Free hand my own pipe ( starting that one right now). Go on an archeology dig in the ancient near east.
Bucket List Completed: Swam in Atlanic and Pacific in the same year. Scuba dive with sharks and sea turtles. Fired an automatic weapon. Go white water rafting. Canoe the boundary waters of the U.S. And Canada. Learn a foreign language...Russian, Geek, and Hebrew. Visit state parks or monuments: Mt. Rushmore, Gettysburg, Monticello, Lincoln's home, The Alamo, The smithsonian, The Washinton Monument, The Vietnam memorial, and many others. Lived in a foreign country...Ukraine. Travel the world, already been to England, France, Austria, Czech Republic, Poland, Ukraine, Jamaica, Mexico, and Honduras.