I've always thought that plugs, years ago would have been the go-to tobacco for the 'working man'. They were then, unlike now cheaper than flakes & ready rubbed mixtures.
Also you needed to have a knife on you all the time. Knives now as then, a necessary tool for most working men. So I was surprised to come across some lovely old tins of plugs. Hailing from the west end end of London, the poshest part of London. Where it seems all the locals there are well heeled bankers & toffs. Knives, would not be seen or in use, apart from the finest restaurants. This particular plug, is exquisitely pre-cut! Although remaining a fairly dense plug, you can easily tear off flakes with your hands. How cool/posh is that for a plug?
Also you needed to have a knife on you all the time. Knives now as then, a necessary tool for most working men. So I was surprised to come across some lovely old tins of plugs. Hailing from the west end end of London, the poshest part of London. Where it seems all the locals there are well heeled bankers & toffs. Knives, would not be seen or in use, apart from the finest restaurants. This particular plug, is exquisitely pre-cut! Although remaining a fairly dense plug, you can easily tear off flakes with your hands. How cool/posh is that for a plug?