Possible Bowl Damage?

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Sep 6, 2020
Vancouver, Canada
EDIT: Fixed Capitalization in Title (See Rule 9)

I am new to pipe smoking, and recently purchased what I consider to be an expensive pipe, a Savenelli 320 Noce. I have only smoked it twice and notice some irregularities inside the bowl see the picture bellow:


There are two depressions in the side of the bowl, I didn't notice them when the pipe was unsmoked (I may not have inspected the bowl thoroughly enough in my hast to break in this new pipe). Is this something to be concerned about? I don't really care about how it looks, and I suspect that int time these depressions will be filled in with cake, but you prefer some advice some more experienced pipe smokers.



Dec 22, 2019
Killeen, TX
Well, it's hard to get a feel for the depth of those depressions without a caliper reading...but I think your instinct of them being insignificant blemishes that won't affect your pipe is correct. I suppose if you were to smoke really hot all the time, those could be more vulnerable to burn through, but only by virtue of having slightly thinner walls at those points. All the more reason to get some cake on there.


Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 19, 2014
If those are above the shank, maybe you could feel with your finger if it is getting warmer on that very spot.

I would agree with the others that you probably don't have anything to worry about. If it is a big concern, try smoking with a little less force while some more cake builds up on that area to keep the temperature down.

Nice pipe.


Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 13, 2018
If the pipe smokes great overall, you'll forget those are there after enough time passes :)

I've dropped my favorite pipe onto the concrete floor a few times and it has the dings and scratches from it, but as long as it puts out that cool dry smoke, I couldn't care less.


Feb 21, 2013
As a new pipe smoker, you might want to consider not building cake. A significant minority of Forums members do this. You scoop out the ash and then wipe the bowl out with a wad of paper towel. This maintains an even carbon layer without cake that serves the purpose just as well. The chamber retains the original size, and you never have to ream, or own a reamer unless for restoring estate pipes. This spares your pipes wear and tear. Many like to build cake and would miss the experience, but this alternative works for quite a number of pipe smokers. Those areas in your pipe don't look like a process and will smooth out, cake or no cake, I suspect.


Nov 13, 2019
As a new pipe smoker, you might want to consider not building cake. A significant minority of Forums members do this. You scoop out the ash and then wipe the bowl out with a wad of paper towel. This maintains an even carbon layer without cake that serves the purpose just as well. The chamber retains the original size, and you never have to ream, or own a reamer unless for restoring estate pipes. This spares your pipes wear and tear. Many like to build cake and would miss the experience, but this alternative works for quite a number of pipe smokers. Those areas in your pipe don't look like a process and will smooth out, cake or no cake, I suspect.
This will still form cake just FYI. Just at a much slower rate.

I just reamed a pipe I did this with and it had 1/8” of invisible cake.


Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 25, 2015
Southeast US
EDIT: Fixed Capitalization in Title (See Rule 9)

I am new to pipe smoking, and recently purchased what I consider to be an expensive pipe, a Savenelli 320 Noce. I have only smoked it twice and notice some irregularities inside the bowl see the picture bellow:

View attachment 42111

There are two depressions in the side of the bowl, I didn't notice them when the pipe was unsmoked (I may not have inspected the bowl thoroughly enough in my hast to break in this new pipe). Is this something to be concerned about? I don't really care about how it looks, and I suspect that int time these depressions will be filled in with cake, but you prefer some advice some more experienced pipe smokers.

That doesn’t look like a burn starting to me. If it gets deeper and soft to a probe like it is burning I would sand the inside smooth and add a bowl coating. That should stop it. I wouldn’t jump the gun, it won’t taste great for several smokes if you do it. If you have to, smear the inside with maple syrup and fill it to the top with activated charcoal powder overnight. If anyone has a better recipe I’d love to know it! But I did rescue a burn like that.


Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 25, 2015
Southeast US
That doesn’t look like a burn starting to me. If it gets deeper and soft to a probe like it is burning I would sand the inside smooth and add a bowl coating. That should stop it. I wouldn’t jump the gun, it won’t taste great for several smokes if you do it. If you have to, smear the inside with maple syrup and fill it to the top with activated charcoal powder overnight. If anyone has a better recipe I’d love to know it! But I did rescue a burn like that.
Oh! And don’t smoke it for 24 hrs after!


Apr 29, 2017
Minnesota USA
Probably soft spots in the briar. I’d wet the inside of the bowl before loading it up. Just run a wet finger around the inside to dampen the wood. Slow your smoking cadence down until you build some cake. And once you get down to 1/4 bowl, don’t hold a lighter in there. If it goes out at that point just dump it.


Aug 20, 2013
If these impressions are two mm deep, I'd return it. A number of fixes have been proposed, but if it were me, I'd send it back.


Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 5, 2019
I've had the exact same depressions at the bottom of the bowl of a Savinelli Fantasia Rusticated 320.
So far I have put around 50 bowls through it and it still smokes as lovely as ever.

I guess that it could be that particular shape or something in their construction process causing these "dents".
I am one of the people generally not allowing cake to form and the depressions have not worsened whatsoever. puffy

If you are still worried, I would contact Savinelli directly. I have had nothing but excellent experiences with their customer service and if you send a photo to them they almost always show it to the people actually working with the pipes to give you an expert feedback on your specific problem - great company, great people. ?