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Aug 22, 2016
Your mom\\\'s house
Most people seem lightly amused by my pipesmoking. I think they consider it ridiculous, but in a benign way. I don't mind really and I don't flash it. My pipesmoking is for my own pleasure and nothing else. No negative reasponses so far.
I also get a lot of, "Do you smoke 'other' stuff than tobacco in your pipe". And also, "What flavor are you smoking?, my grandpa smoked vanilla". 9/10 times I'm smoking a pipe in public, it's at night in front of a drinking establishment.



May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
Where can you smoke in public these days? I'm finding it near impossible to just find a smoking hotel room in most cities I travel to these days.
I smoke on the beach, on the streets, in parks, on the golf course and at home. Also in the car, but that almost doesn't count. It's officially banned on the beach and some parks but it's usually a sign of a cigarette with a red circle and line through it. If ever stopped, I will claim that the prohibition is for cigs only. So far, I have remained unhassled by anyone, law or other.
I don't even look for a smoking room, except at the LV pipe show.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
I think age and my look allows me to get away with smoking my pipe where ever i want, pretty much, with a 95% positive response. I also try to be as polite as possible with my pipe. If I see a “no smoking” sign, I will ask before lighting up, and I try to keep my smoke to a mere drizzle of breathesmoke. And, by asking, I find that most places, mean to merely stop cigarette smoking, when they post “no smoking” signs. But, for an old guy with manners enough to ask, I tend to get away with smoking. A younger guy, or someone who “looks” like they would be smoking something other than tobacco, or someone who is rude, probably not.

I have accidentally found myself smoking in the grocery store, because i forgot to remove my pipe when walking in, grabbing a buggy, and then someone in dairy brings attention to my pipe with a “my grandpa smoked a pipe” comment. If you constantly keep a pipe in clench, it just becomes like a body part, normal. However, if you are still cumbersome with a pipe, or only smoke occasionally, it will just look and feel awkward to you and everyone else.



Nov 24, 2015
Chicks dig me because I smoke a pipe and rarely wear underwear. So I got that going for me...which is nice.



May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
Good point. I should have added something about trying to be considerate of others, so, smoking downwind where possible, no leaning over baby buggies with a clenched pipe, etc. If in a group for a bit I usually ask if anyone has a problem with smoke, while still keeping it out of everyone's face.



Starting to Get Obsessed
May 24, 2018
North Carolina
Nothing negative, and for some reason, young people like to photograph pipe smokers.
As a youngish person, it's probably because they have not seen a pipe actually being smoked like that. Their parents will know what pipe smoking is but sadly most of my generation is kinda to dumb things outside of smart phones and the one coming behind us is even worse. But they probably take a picture and then go home and try to figure out how to get a pipe and start themselves.
Or they've watched too many Sherlock Holmes movies on Netflix and think "My God, he's real!"



Can't Leave
Mar 15, 2018
Maybe a month ago, I lit my pipe in a park where a local cultural festival was held. Some other guy blew clouds from his e-cigs while I was puffing my pipe diligently. With all e-cigs' clouds around, mine still got the attention of the crowd. Hahaha. No negative comment nevertheless. But, just some whispers that I'd ignore :D



Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
I used to get a lot of dates because I was a pipe smoker back in my college days. I was just about the only pipe smoker on campus. One day, some years back, I was sitting outside a grocery store smoking my pipe while m'lady was inside shopping. A very pretty blonde came up to me and asked if I had gone to college at UNC-G some years back. I said I did. She said, "I knew it! You're the pipe smoker. I used to follow you around when you were walking on campus." I said, "Why didn't ever come over and chat with me?" She said, "I didn't know you, and I wasn't comfortable approaching a stranger, but I had a crush on you for years." Then, she asked, "Are you married?" I said, "Yes. Where the hell were you when I needed you?"
On the other hand, I was sitting outside another store smoking when this old bat near me started fake coughing. I told her she should get some cold tablets for that cough. She said my pipe stunk. I said, "So do you, but I didn't ask you to take bath once in a while." That shut her up.
Most of the time, I get positive comments.



Starting to Get Obsessed
May 24, 2018
North Carolina
What with that Cummerbund chap playing Holmes?
Does he even smoke a pipe in his version? It's set in modern day which ruins it for me. I prefer the Robert Downey Jr. adaptations where he smokes a proper clay or briar pipe like the original stories stated, not some calabash style thing which was adopted for the stage adaptations. (Yes, I'm a huge Sherlock Holmes nerd)



Mar 11, 2018
Like his portrayal of Sherlock or not, the man, the actor just came to the aid of a stranger by running off a bunch of muggers. He is a stand up man based on this alone. "I did it out of, well, I had to, you know . . ." cbatch v muggers
I've watched some of the Sherlock series with my wife. There is a part where the character mentions something about the bloody laws making reasonable smoking illegal these days.



Starting to Get Obsessed
May 24, 2018
North Carolina
Oh I have nothing but respect for the man, just never liked the modern Sherlock versions though at least with his they did try and stick to the original stories as best they could. He's Dr. Strange after all which I can't see anybody else playing that role so well. And I heard about him chasing off muggers, which, like you said, made him a stand up man all its own.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 19, 2016
I prefer the Robert Downey Jr. adaptations
I'm sorry, but those two movies are a disgrace to the character. Holmes as a cool, no frills action hero (?).



May 30, 2012
Strangest thing how people react to a pipe smoker. I always get inquisitive looks and questions of what I’m smoking. Not much hassle from anyone.



Dec 25, 2010
Columbus, Ohio
I was impressed with Robert Downy Jr playing the part of Sherlock. Still prefer Jeremy Brett Downy is a close second.
I get mostly positive results. I smoked to and from work and would walk in with my pipe just to mess with security. It was never lit and sometimes the bowl was empty. I did have one security guard ask me what tobacco I was smoking as his roommate smoked a pipe, so that was a nice change of pace.

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