Anyone else a fan of “pocket pipes”. I have three that i think fit that category ranging from inexpensive to pricey. A Nording Compass, a handmade Bondarev lovat, and a vauen NY pipe. Including a sav 673 ks in the photo for comparison. I find that the smaller pipes still give me more than enough smoking time - usually around 40-45 minutes. And so easy to clench. All three are under an ounce and around 5.3 inches. The vauen is a fantastic smoker and i just got the bondarev and am breaking it in. Not a big fan of the nording. Downsides are that they can feel a bit “toy like” in the hand and bowl can get hot if smoked too quickly. But i dont find they otherwise lose anything in smokability. By contrast the 673, which is the same length but and ounce heavier, is less pleasant to clench but feels better in the hand.